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Jieun's POV

It has been 2 weeks after the incident with Minjee and everything, I was already back to school last week and my bruises are mostly healed so all is good even when I got back, not a lot of people really care about me anymore since Minjee got expelled so I am able to relax more but of course still got a few glares every time I'm with the dreamies as usual but that was it and nothing else, I felt super relieved now and happy. 

I was at my locker when I heard someone call me, Um Hi, she said to me as she smiled and me not wanting to be rude and all smiled back a little, Hi, you're new here aren't you? I asked her and she nodded her head yes, well uhm would you like if I showed you around here? Just in case you get lost or something, I asked her, Sure, Thank you oh and I'm Aera by the way, Choi Aera, she said as she extended her hand out for a handshake which I gladly excepted, I'm Jieun, Park Jieun but you can call me Eun if you'd like, I said to her with a soft smile on my face. Nice too meet you Eun, she said as she smiled so brightly almost blinding me, let's start shall we, I said and then started to tour her around the school and when the bell rang, we both went to our classes that we surprisingly shared and of course I sat with her since she didn't wanna be alone and since I don't have a seatmate I gladly accepted her to sit with me.

-Time skip-


We were both packing my bags when I suddenly had an idea, Hey Aera, I called her. Hm? What's up Eun? She asked me, the sky but anyways do you I don't know wanna like sit with me and my friends? It's okay if you don't want to, I was just suggesting. I said and she giggled a little because of my lame joke but then nodded her head and then we both made our way out to the cafeteria where I found the rest of the dreamies bickering as usual. 

Hey guys, I said to them as they stopped bickering and greeted me, Noona who's she? Jisung asked me and then all attention went to Aera that was hiding behind my back a little, Oh she's Aera, Choi Aera, I said as I stepped away a bit so that Aera was no longer hiding behind me, Hi, she said as she smiled awkwardly but then soon changed into a bright smile once they greeted her back and we both sat down next to each other and we all then chatted. It was almost the end of recess and the rest of the dreamies have surprisingly become quite close with Aera since she is a bubbly kid and they all got along pretty well.


Hey guys, I'm sorry for the short chapter but here is the newest addition to the book,

Hey guys, I'm sorry for the short chapter but here is the newest addition to the book,

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Choi Aera

Jieun's Bestfriend 😃

But anyways hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and as always don't forget to vote and comment, Byeee 😘



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