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Jieun's POV


As they came closer to me, I started to feel very nervous on what they were gonna do to me. W-What do you want with me? I asked cursing at myself for stuttering. What do we want from you? Well easy, to destroy you, the one that tied me on the chair said with a smirk plastered on his face. Why? I didn't do anything to you, I said as all three of them slowly came closer to me with a wicked smile on all their faces. Well we're just following orders, plus why not toy with you a little, how does that sound huh kitty? The leader I presumed said as he lifted my chin with his finger and I froze at the nickname he said, it brought back memories from the day before. P-Please d-don't, I said stuttering and shaking violently from the memories that played in my head like a movie. 

Well kitty, he started letting go of my chin and stepped back a bit. Orders are orders, he finished as he grabbed a knife and started tracing it along my thighs and then my hands and finally my face. Don't worry, this will just hurt a lot, he said as he smirked and made a cut on my left cheek as I winced at the pain blood dripping a bit from the freshly made cut. P-Please, I begged but he ignored me and just made another cut on my other cheek and then all over both my arms. Like I said kitty, orders are orders. He said and then the dude that had the bat hit me with it and the last thing I felt was blood dripping from my forehead and then I blacked out.


Still Jieun's POV

I woke up still on the same chair I was in before I blacked out and of course I'm still tied up. I tried wiggling my arms a bit but they just made cuts on my arms not that I don't have at least like 20 cuts on each arm, great. Anyways I kept on trying to wiggle out and hurting myself even more until the door opened revealing............ JENO?!!

-Few minutes before-

Jeno's POV

I woke up to Doyoung-Hyung shaking me telling me to freshen up and meet in the meeting room. After I sat up on my bed and nodded at Doyoung-Hyung, he finally left and I instantly made my way to the bathroom. A few minutes later, I was done and I made my way to the meeting room. I quickly sat down and Taeyong-Hyung alongside S.Coups-Hyung finally started to explain the plan to us. We will move in units as usual, Mark with 127 and Haechan with Dream. As for Seventeen, Taeyong-Hyung said and then S.Coups-Hyung continued. Okay wheels up in 30, let's get going. Taeyong-Hyung said as we all nodded and started preparing ourselves.

-Time skip-

We were now in front of the place where we hoped they held Eun in. I was at the backside of the base with the rest of dream and half of seventeen, 127 was at the front along with the other half of seventeen. Alright, in 3 2 1! Taeyong-Hyung said in our earpiece and then we busted through the door, killing every enemy we see. We spilt up, me, Jaemin, Chenle took care of the top left side while the rest split among themselves and covered the rest we didn't cover. As the three of us barged in room per room, I noticed a dude hiding behind a door that we just opened and Jaemin was walking in making sure it was clear. 

Jaemin watch out! I shouted and luckily Jaemin had quick reflexes he was able to dodge it. I instantly made my way in and disarmed the dude and beat him up. You okay? I asked Jaemin and he just nodded. We then proceeded through and we finally came across the final door. I gave Jaemin and Chenle a look and they nodded and so I opened the door and was met with... Jieun?!

-Present time-

Jieun's POV

Eun! Jeno shouted as he ran over to me with Jaemin and Chenle behind him. Let's get you out of here, Jeno said softly as he kneeled down and used his pocket knife to cut me free and when I was finally free, I fell limp on Jeno as he carefully helped me up. Eun god you look terrible, Jaemin said as he came closer and to our luck, there were water bottles in the corner and there were a few towels. 

As Jaemin treated my wound the best he could for now, Chenle then spoke into his earpiece saying that they've already found me. As Jaemin finished up, Jeno then carried me bridal style down back to the van or whatever vehicle thing they used. In the middle of heading back, we were attacked more like ambushed from every side but luckily the other members as well as seventeen came to the rescue but me being even more unlucky, I got shot on the shoulder and I winced and then I just blacked out.



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