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Jieun's POV

It was Friday today and I was finally going back to school since a baby chick told me to rest first before coming back so that's what I did. After doing all my morning routines, I went to school.

-Time skip-


After I arrived at school, I instantly went to my locker to grab my things that I will need but of course nothing is ever peaceful at least for me, yup you guessed it, the one only Kim Minjee came to ruin my already bad day. Look who's back in school, missed me doggy? She asked me while smiling fakely at me. Sure, I did, I said sarcastically at her which pissed her off a bit seeing her face become red from anger. I looked at her face proud that I pissed her of for no reason {a/n : Finally, you fighting back, go get it gurl!!! 👍} WHY YOU BITCH! She said as she slapped me. HOW DARE YOU! She said but before she got to slap me again, a hand stopped her. 

I looked up to see who stopped her and my jaw dropped. It was the one and only Lee Jeno aka the guy I have a tiny crush on I think {a/n : LIES😏😏😏 } O-Oppa, Minjee said fakely. What were you doing hm? He asked her with his cold tone. N-Nothing I was just trying to help fix her hair. She said as she looked at me with a glare. Fix her hair huh? But why is a red mark on her cheek? He said as he examined my face with me blushing a bit. We were just trying to help her, we are her friends after all. Haneul said trying to defend Minjee in which I thought he believed but nope, I was wrong. 

Oh really, then how would you explain this video of you saying harsh things to her and slapping her? He said while showing her his phone that has a video of what happened a few minutes ago. T-That's fake, I would never do that. She said still lying. Oh, how about this video of you and your friends beating her up a few days ago and the day before and the day before, to sum it all up her entire life. He asked as he glared at her. I-I, but before she could finish, the principal came. Kim Minjee! My office now! My principal Mr. Jung said. Yes sir, Minjee said quietly and then walked with my principal to his office not forgetting to give me a glare.

After that whole fiasco, everyone left including Minjee's minions or friends that went with Minjee to the principal's office. All except him, You okay? He asked me in a soft tone. I'm fine, could have been worst but thanks anyways. I said trying hard to not stutter. Your brother wants to talk to you later at the rooftop at recess, he said he had something to tell you. He said looking at me with a soft look. Alright thanks, see you later then. I said starting to leave but got stopped from him grabbing my wrist. You should go treat that, he said still holding my wrist but avoiding eye contact which I'm grateful about since I probably look like a tomato. It's fine, I said as I gently pry his grip off my wrist, you should go to class, don't wanna be late. I said as I finally left with him looking at my retreating figure.

Jeno's POV

Jeez what are you doing to me Park Jieun. I said in my head as I looked at her retreating figure. After she went to class, I finally went to mine.

-Time skip-

Jieun's POV


As the bell rung as a sign it was recess, I went to my locker to drop somethings before going to the rooftop but was stopped as usual by a fuming Minjee. YOU! RUINED! EVERYTHING! She said with slaps in between her words and all I could do was just stay quiet to not make the situation even worst.

-Small time skip-

After a few slaps and punches of me being Minjee's punching bag, I finally made my way to the rooftop.


When I opened the door to the rooftop, I only expected my brother to be there but I was way wrong, instead his whole group of friends where there. Noona! Jisung said as he came tackling me in a hug. What's going on Ji? I asked him confused. Noona, what happened to you? He asked me with worry. The usual, I said not really thinking about it. Now tell me, what do you wanna tell me? I asked Jisung not minding the other six. I uhm... He said but I cut him off, just tell me Ji, I won't say anything till you're done. I said reassuring him. I am in a gang called NCT, my friends are actually my gang mates and don't worry we are on the good side. He said looking at my expression which was just shock. 

I figured I should tell you since I didn't really wanna lose you by lying so... He said looking at me with a little worry of my response. It's fine Ji, I'm not against it, at least they treat you better than our parents. I said smiling slightly reassuring him that I was okay with it. Really? He asked still not sure. Hm, its fine. I said and right after that he heaved a sigh of relief. So now that I already told you that and got it off my chest, what really happened to you noona? He asked concerned. I told you, the usual. I said as if it's the most normal thing in the world.

Noona, he said pouting. Fine, don't do that again jeez. I said as he smiled in victory, apparently after Minjee called to the principal's office, she and her friends almost got expelled and so she made me her human punching bag as always. I said which made Jisung sad. Did they really forget about us here? Chenle said which made him get a smack on the head by both Renjun and Mark. Don't worry, I didn't forget about you guys. I said which made Chenle smile a little, but why are you all here exactly? I'm confused, I said. Jisung thought that it was a good idea to become closer to each other. Mark said. 

Are you indirectly saying that I'm lonely Jisung-shi? I said glaring jokingly to Jisung who had his hands up which made his friends laugh and me giggle. Moving on, let's get you treated there Eun. Jaemin said, Eun hm? I said teasingly. Yeah, it's your nickname now, if you're okay with it, Donghyuck said. It's fine, I do kinda like it, it's nice. I said smiling a full smile which resulted in them gasping even Jisung. What? I asked confused. You just smiled, Jaemin said as he himself smiled. I'm human too, why is it such a big deal if I smile? I asked laughing a bit earning another gasping sound from all of them. Yah! Hajima! I said still smiling. And that was the start of my friendship with the dreamies.


A little fluffy-ish chapter for ya'll, hope you guys are enjoying this chapter and as always don't forget to comment and vote I would appreciate it as usual. Bye 😘



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