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a/n's POV

4 years later

It was an ordinary Friday night, well expect for the Lee household. Laughter and child's screams could be heard from there. A little 3-year-old girl wrapped in only a towel running away from her mother since she refuses to wear her pjs. Haeyeon you can't run away from me forever you know, Jieun the mother said, I no wan pjs, Haeyeon the little 3-year-old girl said still running away from her mother. She was laughing and screaming around as her mother finally gave up and sat on the couch trying to calm herself down after the marathon she ran. 

I'm home, someone said as he took off his coat and hung it on the coat rack near the front door and after he did so, he made his way to the living room chuckling at the sight of his exhausted wife. Hey babe, he said laughing. It's not funny Lee Jeno, his wife said. Okay okay, he said as he kissed her forehead and lips. Where's the little princess? Jeno asked, you mean trouble maker, I don't know probably running around with only a towel on. Jieun said, playfully rolling her eyes as Jeno just chuckled. Princess! I'm home, Jeno shouted and then soon after, little footsteps could be heard, Daddy! Little Haeyeon shouted as she hugged her dad. Hey princess, Jeno said as he picked her up and kissed her cheek. Why is mommy so tired huh Haeyeon? Jeno asked the 3-year-old. 

Me no wan pjs so mommy chase me. Haeyeon said and then giggled as her daddy kissed her other cheek. Do you wanna wear pjs now? Jeno asked his daughter in which the three-year-old just nodded. Wow okay, Jieun said sulking in which made the other two giggle. Haeyeon wiggled around in which was a sign to put her down and so Jeno did so and she instantly ran towards her mother. M sowwy mommy, Haeyeon said as she kissed her mother's cheeks. It's okay baby, Jieun said as she picked Haeyeon up and made their way to Haneul's room while Jeno goes to shower after work.

-Time skip-

The Lee family are now just cuddling in Jeno and Jieun's room. Both parents laying on each side of their baby. Mommy? Daddy? Haeyeon said in which both parents just hummed. What is it baby? Jieun asked. I wuv you both, Haneul wuv you so much. Haneul said cutely in which the parents just giggled at her and then they all drifted off to dreamland.

-The End-

Hot n Cold by nanoluv3 is now officially complete. Thank you for all your support, I'm sorry for the really long wait and short chapter but I got caught up with my year end test and I've been preparing for it hence why I couldn't update but I'm good now and I'm thinking about another book idea that is more on the soft and fluffy side so I will see you in my next book (I still don't know when I'll start it) Byeee, love you guys 😘❤




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