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She has to deal with all of the stereotypes,
To catch her dreams and steal the spotlight.
You may think she's a girl,
Who may be soft as pearl,
Know that ain't right,
Note that she is a lioness, who's about to roar with all of her might. 

She's a human just like you,
She wasn't born out of the blue,
She also has imagination and dreams like you,
But none of them ever came true.

You don't know she's an eagle inside,
But the people are keeping it forcefully tied,
You want her to listen to society and abide,
But she can break their faces cause she knows how to fight.

Sometimes the scenario is different,
Now I'll tell it to you upfront,
She stays at home, doing all her chores,
Waking up in the morning at four.

Please stop shattering her heart,
Cause others once saw the consequences when she broke apart,
I warn you to stop with all the triggering and questions,
Cause she might erase your existence. 

She is an invincible spirit,
No one can defeat her, not even the wicked,
She'll slip you under the carpet,
So, stop messing with her, before she makes your life twisted.

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