author's note

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warning: kinda sad?

hey there beautiful human beings of the world!
i hope that you're all doing well and are safe.
there wasn't really a specific reason on why i decided to write this, I just really wanted to a mini check up on everyone. i also would like to thank you all for your love and support on "BRIGHT". I know that i literally say that at the end of each chapter but, I really do mean it.

i went through a rough path in my life for about 6 years where i felt lost. i lacked motivation to do anything, my anxiety was off the chart, and i wasn't in a good mental state. my only escape was through writing and then i lost motivate through that. it was really scary, i had no idea who i was. then, JATP came out and in a strange way, it was a wake up call for me. i've met so many amazing people through this fandom and now, for the first time in a long time, i feel like me again. i feel like my life finally has meaning again. what really help was the love and support of my friends being there for me, even though they didn't really know what was happening with me. i guess it's one of the reasons why i'm so cheesy all the time and thanking you guys often. even the little things you say really leaves a big impact on my day. sorry for that mini rant or if it seemed kinda sad, i felt like getting that off my chest and i'm glad i did. seriously, thank you all for just being who you are, and always know, if you're ever going through something or need someone to talk or vent to, feel free to message me anytime. i don't ever want someone to go through what i went alone. i love you all so much 💓

also, sorry for the lack of updates for this book, i keep getting swamped with projects abs assignments and it's really hard to find time to update. i've already prewritten a bunch of the chapters, i just have to go back and make edits to them. more reggie + amanda moments to come. love you all a ton and i hope to see you soon with a update!

- m ♡

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