Chapter 18

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I prayed silently to God to save Omotara throughout the ride to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital premises and the nurses in the ambulance wheeled Tara inside the hospital while I followed suit.

"Mr Olaosebikan, you aren't allowed to move further than this." One of the nurse said stopping me

I stayed back at the reception while I watched my Eve being wheeled to the operating theater. I signed all the required documents.

I called her parents and informed them about the outcome of things and told them the address of the hospital. I called my dad also and her friends.

Hours later, the doctor came out of the operating theatre and I walked closer to him.

"Doctor, how is Omotara?" I asked

"She is out of danger now but she slipped into coma after the operation. The bullet hit her stomach but thankfully it didn't affect much organs," I heaved a sigh of relief after I heard that

"Thanks doc," I said

"Yeah, what about her parents?" He asked

"They are on their way here," I replied

"Okay, tell them to see me when they get here,"

"Alright doc. Can I see her now?" I asked

"No, she will be taken to the ICU(Intensive Care Unit) any moment from now but I will direct a nurse to let you know when to see her," He replied

"Okay doctor, thanks once again," I said while I shook his hands

"You welcome Mr Olaosebikan." He said finally


"Miss Nwankwo, you have a visitor." An officer said

I thought about who it could be as the officer opened the door of the isolated cell where I was kept. I wondered if it was preferential treatment to be kept in an isolated cell but all the same Cell na cell(Cell is cell).

I was shocked to see my dad at the meeting room and guilty as well.

"Dad," I called

"Don't dad me. Am so disappointed in you and also ashamed to address you as my daughter. What has gotten into that brain of yours. After all the warning, you still went ahead to disobey me. What did a father have to do for his daughter that I didn't do, tell me. I pampered, cherished and cared for you with everything I had. Even though I knew you were an attention seeker, I overlooked it but I didn't know you will go overboard by killing someone just to get what you want," He lashed at me

"Dad, am sorry," I said weeping

"You aren't sorry yet. Just pray Tara survive it, if not you will shed more than tears. I will send my lawyer to you in case there is still some chance for you at the court. Your presence disgust me, mere looking at you, so please excuse me." He said while he left there angrily and turned deaf ears to my calling

I watched him left the station premises while I weep profusely.

"I had lost to Omotara again."

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