I fell

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Have you ever fallen for someone?

It feels so magnificent,

Just knowing they have that effect on you.

But it's also scary,

It's like you'll never return to earth again;

You're up in the clouds .

Someone once told me that if you fall for someone,

It is the best feeling in the world but also the worst;

They have complete control of the steering wheel,

And you're just the passenger along for the ride.

They have control of your heart and soul.

I fell for this guy once,

I was the game changer,

Because he fell for me too...

And now we're both left here, wondering what to do.

You made me feel,

I'm not numb anymore.

Somehow you fell,

Like a fallen angel sent from the heavens,

And everything fell into place.

The heart that you took with you,

Please come back,

I may need it.

Poems for my ValentineWhere stories live. Discover now