Chapter 12 || Practising

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I hadn't spoken to Connor since I last saw him. I kicked him out of my apartment and ended up locking myself in the bathroom even though I live alone.

I cried for a good hour or so. Sometimes you just need to get all your emotions out and I find the best way to do that is cry. Just releasing my emotions to an empty room. Being alone with the pain that no one else sees.


I always seem to be alone these day, me, myself and I. It's refreshing and poisonous at the same time. Secluded Violet is what they used to call me at school until I met Katelyn. I guess that name applies to me again now.

"Regionals is in a few days girls!" Katelyn walks into the studio and I am taken away from my thoughts. "Which means nonstop practice every day leading up."

"We're going to win this!" Kelly stands up from where she was sitting on the floor. Alice and Velvet cheer. At least they're excited.

"Oh, and I hope you don't mind but four boys invited themselves to watch us practice." Katelyn quickly looks at me when she says this, I'm guessing to see my reaction. Of course Connor told her that we were not on good terms at the moment, they tell each other everything it seems. James, Tristan, Brad and Connor walk in and I automatically clench my fists but keep my face blank.

"Hey Vi!" Brad comes over and gives me a hug. "Long time no see! How have you been?"

"Same old, same old." I smile slightly.

"I was asking about you the other day when the boys, Katelyn and I were having our weekly hangout."


Weekly hangout?

So Katelyn has been spending more time with my favourite band than I have? She didn't even know who they were until I told her about them and even then she only listened to one of their songs.

"They didn't say much." Brad cuts off my thoughts when I don't reply. "So," he looks over to the group of others who were chatting away. "how have you actually been?" I just shake my head.

"The world is against me at the moment... but... I can get through it." Brad goes to reply but Katelyn cuts him off.

 "Let's get practicing!" 


We practiced non-stop.

Well, I did at least. 

Katelyn was the one going on about how we need to keep practising... so she allows four "immature" boys in to watch us?

More like distract us.

Connor had tried to get my attention a few times but I had made it obvious that I wanted to practice. As soon as Katelyn said practice was over I took my bag and walked out of the building. My legs were aching so I go around the back of the building and sit on the pavement, resting my head on my knees and shutting my eyes.

What is happening to me? I seem to always be running away from my problems. Why can't I face them?

Because I'm small.

They're big.

"Vi? Are you out here?" I lift my head up suddenly when I hear Connor call out, coming closer to me. "I know you're somewhere out here. You couldn't of gone towards your place that fast."

I sigh. "What do you want Connor?" he walks around the corner and sits down next to me.


"I miss you as well." I put my head on Connor's shoulder.

"Can we please forget what happened last week and pretend it never happened?" I look up at him and regret it immediately when I see his piercing blue eyes.

"Okay." my mouth says without my permission.

"Cause if you're happy with Felix, then I'm happy." I force a smile before looking down to the ground.

Too bad I'm not happy.



But I hope this is a good chapter :3 I may of forgotten to write the QOTD in the last few chapters oops :P I also think a more suitable name for it would be QOTC (question of the chapter).

QOTC: Fave fan fic? Can be of any fandom :)

Twitter: @MelodyWirepa

Instagram: @xbands_lifex

Tumblr: sparkythekitten


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