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Harry's POV

"Harry's WHIPPED!" Mitch cupped his hand around his mouth and yelled through the studio. I shoved him over and he laughed. "Sarah," Mitch waved Sarah towards us. "He's whipped," Sarah's jaw dropped.

"Spill," Sarah pulled up a stool and sat down in front of me. "Go on, I want her name, birthday, favorite color, social security number," She started counting on her fingers. "The last one was a joke, but I mean if you know it spill it," She smiled and raised her eyebrows at me.

"First of all I'm not whipped," I pointed at Sarah and Mitch. "Her name is Sadie and we are just friends. Mitch thinks otherwise." I formed my lips into a line and nodded.

"So this friend has been the reason you wrote two very sexual songs in the past week?" Sarah spun her drum sticks between her fingers. My eyes went wide.

"No, no, no," I shook my head quickly. "Sadie and I have never done anything sexual, not even remotely close," I tried to shut down the conversation but they kept prying me.

"Then who are those songs about?" Sarah tilted her head. I would assume she already knew that answer, but I guess not.

"Mitch knows," I looked over at Mitch and he pressed his lips in a line, trying not to laugh.

"He knows?" Sarah poked at Mitch with her drum stick. "Okay whatever tell me more about this Sadie girl," She shook her head and brought her attention back to the topic.

I pretty much told them everything. How I met Sadie, how I took her home that one night, how she opened up to me that night, and everything that happened after that. They seem genuinley interested which scared me a little bit because they never are this interested in anything.

"So let me get this straight," Sarah furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at the floor. "Girl moves from Minnesota, to LA at nineteen," Sarah seemed very into everything she was saying. "Girl work as a photographer and helps the lady at Beachwood," I nodded my head, following along with what she was saying. "Then she meets you and then accidentally opens up to you about all of her issues and then you guys bond and become besties?" Sarah seemed like she was not understanding any of this.

"Soulmate shit," She nodded her head and my eyebrows shot up. "That's not bestie shit," She narrowed her eyes and shook her head. "Soulmate shit," She whispered and nodded her head.

"Soulmate?" I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head.

"Soulmate," Mitch and Sarah said at the exact same time.

That couldn't be. Sadie was just my friend and that's all she wanted to be and that's all we will ever be.

"No," I shook my head. "Friends," I pointed to them and then narrowed their eyebrows. "And that's all it's every going to be," I sounded more sad that it was meant to. Honestly if I thought Sadie was my soulmate I'd be thrilled.

Soulmates are supposed to feel the same for each other though.

Sarah's eyes lit up and she sat up straight with exitement.

"Bring her here," She smiled widely. "Play her all of the songs we've got so far," Sarah looked like she got even more excited. "I KNOW WHY YOU CHANGED THE NAME ANNA IN THE SONG!" She jumped up from her chair. "I don't want your sympathy but you don't know what you do to me oh, Sadie!" She started singing and dancing around the room.

Oh shit.

"Sarah stop!" I walked towards her and tried to catch her, but she kept dodging me and continuing on with the song.

"Invite her here now," She sang those words to the rythym of the song. "Or I wont," She sang the words again. I took a deep breath through my nose and pulled my phone out of my pocket. Sarah continued singing the song as I dialed Sadie's number.

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