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Harry has not texted me in about a week.

It's fine.

It's literally fine.

Why should I let a douchebag celebrity that I've only known for like a month decide on my mood for the day?

I am curled up in bed, with cups and bowls on my nightstand. Maybe if I lay here long enough, I'll just wither away.

I heard my front door open. I furrowed my eyebrows, staying in my bed.

Maybe it's the grim reaper coming to take my soul away.

"Get your ass out of bed," oh, it's just Kay. I peeked over my shoulder. Oh look, Corryn is here too.

"I'm good actually," I said, covering my face with blankets.

"Is this because of Harry?" Kay sat down on the side of my bed, causing it to dip down. I threw the blankets off of my head.

"Yes, it is. Now can you please go home or at least get me food?" I looked at them both.

"What happened to you not caring about making friends?" Kay said, grabbing my ankle and stroking it with her thumb.

"He took me on a date, took his goddamn album cover photos, and now he won't talk to me. That's what happened," I was so angry. "Who does that?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Men do that," Corryn said, nodding. "But not Harry freaking Styles," She tilted her head. "What if he's waiting for you to text him?" She put her hands on her hips.

"He knows that I'm not good at making the first move," I thought I knew Harry, and I thought he knew me.

"Text him," Kay shrugged.

"Why would I do that?" I flipped over on my back.

"Because we are sick of you moping around like a sad teenager!" Corryn jumped on the bed.

"I'm twenty years old! I might as well be a sad teenager!" I was so frustrated.

"Don't make me bring Meg over here," Kay raised her eyebrows. "She may be five years old, but you know more than anyone that she can hurt some feelings," She pointed at me.

"Don't you dare," I sat up and narrowed my eyes at Kay.

"Then get up. We are going to have a girl's day. We can get our hair and nails done, watch a movie, do face masks, I don't care. You are getting out of bed," Corryn grabbed my hands, yanking me out of my bed.

I groaned as she pushed me in front of my dresser.

"Get dressed. We don't care what you wear, but hurry. We will be in the living room," she and Kay quickly left my room, leaving me alone.

I grabbed an oversized t-shirt and jean shorts. I quickly changed clothes and walked out into the living room.

I stood in front of them. They looked at me like they were about to hurt my feelings.

"Good enough," Kay shrugged and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the door.

"Wait I have to feed Bruce," I said, coming to a halt.

"Already taken care of," Kay shook her head and pointed at the flip-flops by the door. I slipped them onto my feet and I was dragged out of my apartment.

When we finally got to the lobby I saw Jason with his boyfriend.

"Hey Sadie," he waved and smiled.

"Help me," I looked at him with wide eyes.

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