Chapter 2

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Darryl's POV.

I stared at the ceiling for what felt like hours. I can't avoid him for long, but I also need to avoid the flowers thing. There's no way I can handle getting even closer to him. Zak is too cute and I can't help but want to hold him tightly, be there for him when he's sad, and give him soft kisses on his- WAIT. I don't like him. I don't want to kiss him or anything, and I definitely don't want to date him.. Do I?

God, so many questions flash through my head. I desperately want to message him and let out all of my feelings, hoping he felt the same. At the same time, I feel horrendous. I feel like my lungs are filling up again, and as if I can't breathe from the mere thought of him. He had so much control over me, and yet, I didn't want to accept it. He could make me turn to him with only a clap, and I'd be okay with it. 'I want his teasing more, I want his breathing against my neck, I simply want him.

What would Vincent think? What about Clay and Dave and George? Would they think I'm a monster for loving my best friend? Would they hate me for something I can't control, something I so yearn for yet can't handle?

I hope they wouldn't. There's no way I could handle anything bad at this point. As I think back on my life, how I met them all, I realize how lucky I am.

Zak and Vincent, just people who trolled me but also gave me good memes and laughs. They were the first people I considered my best friends. They're also the best muffinheads I could ask for.

Then came Jake (Zelkam), Arran (JustVurb), and Geo (Spifey). They began to make me realize how quickly I could get to understand people. They helped me stray away from sadness, they gave me so much energy when I was even a tiny bit down.

Then came so many others, and so many fans along with them. I felt more in place, I felt like I belonged. I can trust them with anything. I think.'

I shake my head at all the thoughts, and quickly sit up, looking down at myself. My body is out of proportion, and my clothes don't help any. "Maybe I should get some fitness trainer or something." I mumble to myself, getting up and going out into the kitchen. There's muffin mix on the counter, with a small sticky note on it. The sticky note says:

"Sorry for being gone all day, Darryl! Have tons of errands and family problems, I'll be gone for a while. Hope you like these muffins, see you soon!!"

Great, I'll be all alone. I guess it could give me more time to stream and edit, though, which I desperately need. I hear a quiet ping, and rush to my cellphone.  It's Sapnap (Nick). I check the message, seeing as it's him asking if I could record a video now.


Nick A
Hey, can we record now?
Not much to record but we
need it done soon for editing.

Of course, I'll need a few
minutes to get ready, but
I'll be on soon!

Nick A
Okay cool! :)


I went to my desk, setting my phone down to the side and putting my hand on my mouse. I clicked on minecraft, opening discord, and joining the

"Hey guys," I said, taking a deep breath and logging onto the minecraft server we decided to use.
"Hey bad. How are you?" I hear Nick's voice say.
"I'm good, just had full head today, I guess. Not in the mindset to stream anymore and my roommate is gone for a few days or so." I reply.
"That sucks, maybe I could help you some."
"Thanks, I'd appreciate it." I reply, as I see George and Clay log on.
"Heyyy," Clay says, clearly happy.
"Hey guys, what took you so long?" Nick asked the two of them.
"Uhh, I was just help George set something up heheh." Clay responds, chuckling at the end.
"Oh reaaally?" Nick deepens, the interest in his voice getting thicker.
"O-of course! Now stop talking about it, we need to film!" George finally speaks up, making it very clear what happened

(*insert author lennyface* AHEM)


Word Count: 823 Words

A/N: I'm gonna write about 700-800 words for each chapter and I honestly have NO plan for the next few chapters. Uh oh. Hope you enjoyed this chapter tho guys. Byebye.

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