Chapter 10 -Bits of Blood

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Darryl's POV

After seeing his bloodied hand, I grabbed it and held it in my hands. 
"Oh my goodness, are you okay?!" I asked, yearning for a quick answer from Zak. 

"I'm fine, but we need to get inside and lock up." He replied, taking steps back into the home. I followed, closely watching my back, hoping to not be hit by the man. Once we're inside, I lock the doors and get to the bathroom and grab a medical kit. I walked back to Zak as I opened it, grabbing gauze, bandages, and antiseptic spray. I drag him to the kitchen, moving his hand over the sink. I unlocked the antiseptic spray, and steadied his hand as I set the spray to the side. I patted some gauze along the cut, letting blood soak into it. I took it off, taking the antiseptic spray and using it on his cut. 

"Sorry if that stings," I say softly, hearing him wince. The gauze was now slipped over the wetness of the antiseptic, bandages following after. The blood seeped through slightly, although it was better than before.  I looked into his eyes, him looking down and holding his own hand. He seemed shocked from the events that happened on my porch. I sucked a deep breathe in, holding it for a few seconds before letting it out. The air suddenly turned cold, making me turn to the couch. It was getting late and I feel worn out. I send one last helpless glance his way, trying to tell him that I'm here for him. He looks up, nodding before going to sit on a chair near the dining table. 

The couch has a light feeling, making me sink in deeply, covering myself in the blankets nearby, allowing my head to rest on a few pillows. I squeeze a pillow tightly with my arms, closing my eyes. I let myself drift into a slow sleep, taking a few breathes in the darkness of fluffiness. 


Word Count: 336 Words

A/N: I think I'll try to update each day with only like 300-500 words cause writing longer chapters is getting harder and harder and it's tough. But I mean, daily ones would be good for you guy, whoo

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