Chapter 20

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Zak's POV

He was passed out on the couch. I felt so tempted to go ahead and touch his hair, just simply run my hair through it, listening to his soft hums. My body felt as though it moved on its own, making me get too close to Darryl's sleeping body. I mentally fought myself, with the fear of waking him up. My hands ignored all my anxieties, moving closer to his soft-looking hair. It ran through it, strands falling out of my fingers as they slipped by. I watched his breathing hitch for only a moment, before catching to a smooth rhythm again. I keep quiet, watching him and moving my hand along his dirty-blonde hair. After a while, I move away, heading to my bedroom and starting up a computer. I plug in a pair of headphones, then settling in my chair. I go onto Spotify, starting my 'Liked Songs' playlist. I lean back in my chair, listening deeply to the music and soaking it in. I close my eyes lightly, getting comfortable enough to fall asleep where I was. As I'm close to sleep, I feel Rat paw at my knees, and lift her up. She snuggles into my lap, and I accept her. I pet her, and then lay my hands to the sides to finally rest.

Time Skip to the Morning.

I slowly open my eyes, lifting my hands up to rub the sleep away. I feel my back ache, probably from the position I slept in. I stand up, stretching my legs and arms. Heading to the door, I glance down to not see Rat anywhere nearby. I assumed that Rat must be with Darryl, so I head to the living room. Darryl isn't on the couch, so I knock on his closed bedroom door. He yells a loud, "come in," and I do as told. I walk over to his bed, taking a seat and looking to him. His hair is messy, no doubt that mine isn't, and I giggle. He turns to face me, giving me a confused look. I only laugh more, which makes him hit some keys on his keyboard before getting closer to me. I smirk, seeing his cheeks flush a little red. "So why did you come in here?" He questions, and I just give him a shrug in response. He tilts his head, sitting next to me and putting his hands on both sides of my face. My cheeks flare up a bit, and I look into his green eyes. I study his face, noticing the slight bit of dried blood on his chin, his perfect eyebrows, his sweet smile, and his beautiful grass-green eyes. 


Word Count: 450 Words

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