Chapter 12

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Zak's POV

I turn and give him my biggest smile, closing my eyes tightly. I soon feel his breathe against my face, causing me to jump a little and look to see how close he is. He's only inches from me, our noses nearly touching. I blushed, seeing his cheeks tint pinkish-red too. He's the first to look away, stumbling on his words which are too quiet for anyone to hear.

"Hey, I can't hear youuuu," I say with a light tone, him turning to face me again. He puts his palm to his face, then rubs his temple. He begins repeating what he must have said; "I said that you're too cute!" This makes my heart dance a little, putting both my hands on his shoulders. 

"You are too, even though you're bald." 

"Geppy!!" He quickly says, making me laugh like a hyena. "That's not funny, you know I'm not bald!!" Him pleading this makes me laugh even more. 

"It's so funny, -- it's just a joke!" My remark doesn't make him laugh, although he cracks a small smile. "I like your s-" I blurt out, not finishing it. I then feel something build up in my stomach. It feels like a fluttering sensation, as if there were butterflies. He giggles, probably assuming what I was about to say. 

"You're a silly muffin!" His voice rings out, soft and calming. I hum in response, giving him a tight hug. He hugs back, and our breathing soon begins to slow down and match each others. I feel my heartbeat quicken, and it allows me a reason to pull away. I smile, then begin getting up. 

"I'm gonna go shower now, no peeking, peekboyhalo" I let out, chuckling and hearing Darryl's groans from the couch. I head to my room, grabbing some sweat pants and a hoodie, then rushing to the bathroom. I turn the shower knob to warm, then turn on air and slowly slip out of my clothes. I leave them on the floor, grabbing myself a towel as I do so. I lift my legs into the shower, the rest of my body following after. I run my hair through my hair, letting water soak into it. I first grab body wash, lathering my body and rinsing the soap off. When I finish that, I grab some shampoo, and massage it into my hair. I close my eyes tightly, taking the shampoo out of my hair and leaning against the wall. I take in long breaths, using my arm for support and slowly falling to the ground. 


Word Count: 434 Words

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