Chapter 17

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Darryl's POV

The door creaked again, pulling me out of my thoughts. Zak had walked back in, two cups in his hand steaming. "I got you some tea for your headache," he said softly. 

"Oh, thank you," I replied, feeling my face heat up a little. 

"You're welcome, anything you want to do today?" He asked.

"I was thinking how I needed to stream or record something today since I haven't in a while, y'know?" I said quickly, waiting for his reaction. 

"Why don't you sleep stream or something since you need the sleep?"

I jumped slightly at his reply, "Uhh, I'll probably get muffined if I do that. I also don't really like showing my face on streams and stuff.." 

"Hey, I'll be here with ya, don't worry about the small stuff." His words made me smile. 

"Thanks," I mumbled, hearing him hum back. I pulled him into a tight hug, holding him for a few minutes. I could hear his calm breathing and his loud heart beat. I felt my own breathing slow down, matching his. We stayed like this for a few moments, just listening to each other, calming our crazy minds. I was the first to pull away, which seemed to have surprised him slightly. We just sat up staring at each other for a little before rushing to look away, at anything else from embarrassment. I giggled, hearing him chuckle and then we decided to set up the camera in my room for the stream. "I want it to just be a calm stream if possible geppy," I beg, and he turns smiling. 

"Is your chat the best for that?" 

"No, they're all muffiny-muffinheads." I pouted, furrowing my brows slightly and hearing him laugh once more. 

"Fair enough, want to stream from my account then?" 

"Oh, uhm. Sure!" I had uncertainty laced in my voice, I didn't know his chat as well as he did, but surely they weren't as bad as my stream chats. Mine only filled with stupid memes, even when I begged them to leave it alone. 

"Here we go! We're all set up. You ready?" His voice was light, and I nodded. He smiled widely, and started streaming, having chat pulled up on a monitor on my desk nearby. "Hey stream, what's up?" He asked, watching chat whiz past quickly. 

"Hi! I'm here too, muffins!" I stated, hugging Zak and watching chat's reaction. It was full of 'aw's' and 'omg'. They seemed happy to see us together after long talks of meeting, but never pursuing it. "So, we just wanted a chill stream since a lots been happening,"

"We also gotta catch you guys up a little, since this might seem crazy right now. Me and bad being next to each other like this."

"Yeah, but we'll just talk lots to you before catching you all up."


Word Count: 484 Words

A/N: Thanks for over 1k reads! I really appreciate it. Also I decided to just come back in celebration of this. I've also been getting WAY into mc and watching vods from they yts. SO.. I got a few more ideas for chapters before the ending. 

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