Chapter 18

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Darryl's POV

The chat was filled with memes, although not as much as my chat normally does, there's still a lot. Donations began rolling in, as we turned on text to speech. We answered questions, cracked jokes, and we also ordered some snacks for the next few hours. Once the questions started leaving the chat, we explained the situation. Why I was gone for so long, why Zak had finally met up with me, and why he was still with me. Zak thankfully didn't go into too much detail about it all, just saying that my health fell, and he came to help me. The chat was turning sympathetic for a little, which made me smile. It didn't last too long, considering how memey these muffins are. My stomach began filling with something I hadn't felt for a while, the feeling of petals drifting through my insides. I rushed up, running to the bathroom and leaning against the toilet. I heard Zak shout for my name, then tell the stream that he'd be right back.

Flower petals fell out in clumps, making me nauseous. I felt a scratchy feeling dwell for a minute or two, before it stabbed deeply. The pain slid up, making me gag heavily. I felt Zak's hand rubbing against my back, one arm around my shoulders lightly. I did everything I could to get it out of me, but it moved slowly as if it was stuck on something. I closed my eyes shut tightly, feeling it cut along my tongue as it finally got out of my mouth. A thorn on a stem. Tears ran down my cheeks, as I grabbed at my throat, clutching it and sobbing. Zak's arms fell completely around my body. He tightened them, showing that he cares. 

We parted, "Y-you need to go back to the stream, I'll clean this up." I told him, to which he only stood up and patted my head.

"I'll come back to check on you in a few minutes if you aren't in the room." He replied as he left the bathroom. The door was cracked, and I got up. I scrubbed the floors, getting out as much as I could before flushing the toilet. I washed my hands, double checking the counters for blood or anything. Since there wasn't any signs, I finished quickly, leaving the door open and turning off the light. I went to the kitchen, grabbing a snack for me and him, then heading up to the room. 


Word Count: 420 Words. 

A/N: Hell yeah. 

Petals Don't Lie, But Friends Do ? - SkepHalo fanficWhere stories live. Discover now