Chapter 7

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Darryl's POV

I glance at Zak one more time, tears welling up in my eyes. I know this is so bad, but I still want to love him. I just want to be able to tell him my feelings when we get out of this, and I don't want to hate him. I hope him and my mom will still accept me, I couldn't handle not being accepted after this hospital visit and surgery. The doctor nodded towards the door, and Zak held my mom's arm as they left, cracking the door slightly.

"I'll need to ask you a few yes or no questions now, so please nod or shake your head to signify your answer since I've heard you're having trouble speaking. Is this okay?" The doctor suddenly asks, and I nod. "Okay, so the first is have you thrown up blood or any other bodily fluids before now?"

I take a deep breath, nodding my head slowly. "Okay, okay.." They say, writing it down swiftly. "Now, do you know the reasoning for it?"

I shrug my shoulders, wincing slightly before looking back at the doctor. "Okay... Now, have you ever hurt yourself because of people around you or just your own thoughts?" 

I took in a gulp, shaking my head this time. This wasn't fun and I just wanted to be home.

"Last question and then I'll check for your stats and update your papers; has there been anyone that you've told about these things?" I shake my head, closing my eyes tightly to not cry. "Okay, well thank you for your answers. I appreciate your cooperation. Now I'll update your papers. I will be back in a few hours with a possible release date as well as a quick check in for your throat and any spikes." The doctor finishes up my check-up, updating my mom and my best friend on my health outside the door. They head back into the bleak room, and I feel both their hands holding mine. I squeeze a little, showing that I'm feeling okay. 

"I'm so sorry I couldn't have helped.. I should've known with your tones and how often you left." Zak spoke softly, as if hesitating his unneeded apology.  He was the last thing I heard before I passed out. 

-Time skip to a few weeks later-

I sighed, looking around the room and sitting up in the now uncomfortable bed. I had many cards on one of the side tables, telling me to 'get well soon' and other small but meaningful messages. I heard the door click, a nurse coming in slowly. 

"Today, we'll be able to release you after your mother finishes filling out your form. You've healed from surgery well, and you'll be able to get back to your home. You will need someone to stay with you, and your mother and friend have both offered. You can accept either of them, or you can simply ask for a caretaker from this hospital who's trained to do so." He exclaims, a light and joyful tone added into each word. 

"I'll go home with my friend," I reply quickly, soon regretting it. 

"Okay, I'll tell them right away and explain what help you'll need! Also, they said they've left some clothes for you to change into now so you can get out of the gown." He smiles, and I smile back lightly. 

"Thank you," I say, before slowly getting off the bed. I walk to the bag, which I assume has my clothes in it. I see my red hoodie, a plain black shirt, and some denim jeans. I take the clothes out of the bag, and get into the bathroom. As I shut the door, I hear footsteps outside of my room. I quickly change, enjoying the pants and hoodie. This felt much better than the crummy gown. I open the bathroom door, stepping out and seeing Zak on a chair next to my bed. 

"Hey, you ready to leave soon?" He asks with a soft smile. 

"I can't wait" I reply, sitting down on my bed and patting the part next to me. He gets up and sits next to me. 

"I'm so glad you're okay, I wouldn't know how to live with myself if I knew I lost you." He mutters out, and I bring him into a hug. 

"I'll always be okay, don't think about the bad stuff, geppy." He chuckles at my use of his youtube name. 

"Okay, okay. It still won't stop me from worrying for you though," he states and I giggle. 

"I'll accept that."


Word Count: 841 Words

A/N: I update again and leave you guys with an absolutely amazing cliff hanger. I hope you'll enjoy how this story is heading. I think I'm gonna end it at like twenty or thirty chapters, depending on how slow I'll make the rest of it go. I think I might also include the Dream Team, although I won't imply any ships as best as I can between those three. I'll update again in a few days now. Bye-bye!

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