Chapter 3

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Marinette reread the plan. She can't wait to see the look on Lila's face once she's exposed.

"You seem exited." Said Tikki.

"Darn right I am." Replied Marinette. "I'm about to end that liar's career."

"I know." Said Tikki.


Adrien looked at each message. He WANTS the class to know Lila has been lying, but he thinks it's too mean.

"What now kid?" Asked Plagg.

"Plagg, since when has becoming mean to someone who's mean made them less mean?" Asked Adrien.

"Overuse of the word mean. But you're not being mean to her." Said Plagg. "All you're doing is calling out her shit."

"I don't know Plagg. Coming from you? It's hard to believe." Said Adrien.

"Then ask Ladybug." Said Plagg.

"I can't bother her. I can ask Marinette instead! She'll answer." Said Adrien. "Time to pay my purrincess a visit."




Marinette hears a tap on her window.

"It's Chat. Hide Tikki." Said Marinette.

Tikki hides then Marinette goes to open the window.

"Hey Purrincess!" Said Chat Noir.

"Hey Chat. What are you doing here?" Asked Marinette.

"Can I come in?" Said Chat Noir.

"Sure." Said Marinette.

"Princess, I have a question." Said Chat Noir.

"What is it?"

"I wanna call this person out for lying, but isn't being mean to a person that's mean won't make them less of a bitch?" Asked Chat Noir.

"Chaton, you're calling out a person for lying. That means you're telling people the truth that the person lied." Said Marinette. "Being mean to them is if you're bullying them."


"Really." Marinette reassured.

"So now that we're done with that, wanna play Ultimate Mecha Strike ||| while having cookies?" Asked Chat Noir while giving Marinette the puppy eyes.

This kitten. Marinette thought to herself. "Sure."


Right outside Marinette's house, Alya was there. She saw Chat Noir tap on Mari's window and Marinette opening it letting him in.

What has this girl not been telling me?

Alya decided to ask Chat Noir about it in the gc they have as superheroes.

RR👊: You Chat, I saw you tap on the window of this girl called Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

RR👊: You know her?

Chaton Noir😼: Oh you mean my purrincess? If that, yes I do.

Protecturle🐢: Dude, purrincess?

Queenie👑: You dating her or something?

Chaton Noir😼: No. I just like calling her princess.

RR👊: Does she know your identity or something?

Chaton Noir😼: Of course not.

Chaton Noir😼: We're best friends, that's all.

RR👊: As far I heard, her best friend's the Ladyblogger Alya Cèsaire....

Protecturle🐢: Rena....😂

Chaton Noir😼: I know. It doesn't hurt to have 2 best friends.

LB🐞: Guys...

Queenie👑: I am so spreading this new found info.

RR👊: Can you add Marinette to the group chat?

LB🐞: NO.


LB🐞: That's it. I'm out.
(LB🐞 is offline)

Chaton Noir😼 added Purrincess💜 to group chat

Purrincess💜: Can someone tell me why I'm here?

Chaton Noir😼: Awwww princess. We just wanna chat with you. (Pun intended)

RR👊: Yo!

Protecturle🐢: Wassup.

Queenie👑: Hi I guess.

RR👊: What's this I hear about you and Chat Noir being best friends?????????????????????????

Protecturle🐢: Chill out Rena.

Purrincess💜: 1. He comes here to hang out, watch movies, play video games and eat cookies a whole damn lot.

Purrincess💜: 2. Yeah chill out.

Purrincess💜: 3. I ship Renapace.😌

Chaton Noir😼: They cute.

RR👊 changed Purrincess💜 name to NOT Chat's best friend😤

Chaton Noir😼: RENA!!!!!!!!

NOT Chat's best friend😤: Change my name.

NOT Chat's best friend😤: I hate it.

Protecturle🐢: Oof.

Queenie👑: Lol.

RR👊: Alright....😥

RR👊 changed NOT Chat's best friend😤 to Marinette is Alya Cèsaire's best friend💜💙

Marinette is Alya Cèsaire's best friend💜💙: NOT THIS EITHER!

Protecturle🐢: Rena, we're gonna need to talk after this.

Chaton Noir😼 changed Marinette is Alya Cèsaire's best friend💜💙 to Princess Fashion💚💙

Princess Fashion💚💙: This works.

Queenie👑: Lol. Rena what gives?

Protecturle🐢: Ignore her.

RR👊: I am just proving a point.

Chaton Noir😼: You proved it Rena. You did.

Princess Fashion💚💙: Yah. You did.


RR👊: ALL of you're ideas are crazy.

Queenie👑: She's right.

Protecturle🐢: What's your idea tho?

Chaton Noir😼: Hey purrincess, can you make us t-shirts that say "Team Miraculous" on it in front then our supe initials in the back?


Protecturle🐢: YEAH! THAT'LL BE GREAT!

Queenie👑: Seems ok I guess.

RR👊: Think about how many people will start asking you for clothes!

RR👊: You gonna be famous!

Princess Fashion💚💙: I don't know....

Chaton Noir😼: I'LL PAY YOU A LOT! I SWEAR!

Protecturle🐢: Can you??????

Princess Fashion💚💙: Alright.

Princess Fashion💚💙: I don't need your measurements tho.

RR👊: Really?

Princess Fashion💚💙: Positive. I already have Chat's too anyway.

Princess Fashion💚💙: It's getting late. I'll leave now. Good night everyone!

Chaton Noir😼: Night Purrincess💜!

RR👊: Night meh good pals!

Protecturle🐢: G'night motha fuckers!

Queenie👑: Night.

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