Chapter 1

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It was a normal day for the class. Marinette bursts in the classroom.

"WAIT! Sorry, I slept in." Said Marinette.

"Girl, will you ever on time?" Asked Alya while chuckling.

"Sorry." Said Marinette.

Lila walked in the classroom.

"Hey guys." Said the liar no one liked. "Look, I have a secret to tell you guys."

"What kind of secret?" Asked Alix.

"Promise not to tell anyone?" Asked Lila.

"Promise!" The whole class except Marinette answered in unison.

"I'm Rena Rouge." Said Lila.

Marinette sighed. She'll never stop her lies. She thought.

Alya and Nino look at each other. They know each other's identities so they know that she isn't Rena Rouge.

"How is THAT thing Rena Rouge?" Said Chloe.

"Chloe, we've worked together. Don't you believe me?"

"What's your power?" Asked Chloe.

"Teleportation. You should know this." Said Lila.

Chloe knows she's lying. She DID work with Rena Rouge and she knows her power is illusion.

Adrien sighed. Rena Rouge's power is illusion, not teleportation.

"Can you guys please keep this secret? We can't have Hawk Moth knowing." Said Lila.

"You can count on us." Said Kim.

Later that day, Marinette was getting lunch when Alya and Nino walked to her.

Must've realized Lila was lying this whole time. She thought. "Hey guys."


"Yeah Dudette. We understand if you don't forgive us." Said Nino.

"I'm not saying I liked the fact you believed her over someone you knew longer, but I do forgive you guys" Said Marinette while smiling.

"Really Mari?" Asked Alya, sniffling.

"Of course Als." Said Marinette. "We're BFFs remember?"

"Yeah." Said Alya. "Now, should we expose a lying bitch?"

"Yeah, we should." Said Mari and Nino in unison.

"Heard you were gonna expose that asshole Lie-la." Said Chloe. "I want in."

"You wanna help us?" Asked Nino.

"First, I hate her sooooooo much. Second, Rena's power is illusion, not teleportation. So......?" Said Chloe.

"The more the merrier." Said Alya.

"Yup. We'll need all the help we can get taking out the school garbage." Said Marinette.

"Can I help?" Asked Adrien.

"A-ADRIEN! HIIIIII! HELP WITH WHAT??????" Said Marinette.

"With exposing Lila." Said Adrien. "I've had enough with her lies too."

"Of course bro." Said Nino.

"Cool. I'll make us a group chat and let's plan after school." Said Alya.

"Sounds good." Said Marinette.

"Shouldn't we have a team name?" Asked Nino.

"Oh yeah." Said Alya.

"How about: The Miracle Exposers?" Asked Marinette.

"Oh yeah. Great idea Mari." Said Adrien.

"Th-Thank y-you A-Adrien...." Said Marinette.

"Cool dudette." Said Nino.

"The best thing to do, is NOT expose ourselves. If we get caught, the whole school will know." Said Chloe.

"Oh yeah. Don't worry, I'll set your code names." Said Alya.

"Let's do this." Said the 5 in unison while doing a fist bumb.

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