15 | too stunned to speak

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HE fluttered his eyes open and a lazy yawn escaped his lips. He tightened his arms around the pillow and smiled. His nose scrunched up when the pillow didn't feel cushy and soft instead it was warm and smooth. He looked below to find Aahana laying on his naked chest with his arms around hers. He let himself enjoy the moment. She snored loudly and twisted her head, making her face visible to Everett. He smiled at himself.

God, she is beautiful.

It's been a while since he had a good sleep. And being close to her, the warmth she radiated, the sunshine she has been–

What the heck is he doing? He barely knew her. It had been just two days and it was like he was falling for her. He was being stupid and reckless. He was letting the absence of constant love and a friend, at best, mistaken for feelings. There was no way he felt anything more about Aahana. Besides, they were too different. They were nothing but two opposites forced (maybe not forced) into an intimate situation.

To avoid the awkwardness that was on the trajectory of their day, he coerced himself to stop staring at her and tried to slip out of the bed, placing a pillow under her head. He tiptoed into the bathroom to take a quick shower. When he stopped outside, Aahana was standing near the window in his t-shirt, watching the third floor view. Everett pried his eyes away from her and began packing his bag while Aahana went in to freshen up. They had a quick breakfast, barely exchanging any words and continued their way to PeakView—making a quick stop at a local ATM.

"You never answered my question," she said suddenly as she looked out of the window. His eyes focused on the road as he wondered why he even missed her when she was gone.

"You ask too many questions. It's hard to keep track."

"Why can't you stay in a place longer than, I don't know, maybe..." she guessed. "A week?"

"It's not about the can or can't..." He wasn't sure what he was trying to say. He didn't have the answer himself. Why did he choose to run? Why didn't he stay longer? Why didn't he stay? "I just...don't. Whenever I plan the next trip, I make sure I see and experience everything in a few days and then move to the next destination."

"Yeah but, like..." she looked towards him. Momentarily, he looked at her through the mirror. Her short brown hair flew to her face. She pushed them behind her ears. The sun was bright on her face. The dark brown eyes glowing underneath, shining brighter than the moon, the stars, the whole fucking solar system. "Don't you ever say...see something that you want to visit the next day too?"

He smirked. "Well, in that case, I have my camera. Plus, it's not like something big happens the next day at the same spot when I am gone. It's still the same. And there are a million other views waiting ahead of me." Aahana gave him a look that was too hard to decode. Slowly, she cracked a smug chuckle. "What?" He asked.

She shook her head. "I think you're just making up nonsense excuses to hide the real reason."

"Oh, yeah?" He said. "And what's that?"

"You're afraid."

At this, he laughed loudly. "Of what?"

"Vulnerability, of some sort. You're afraid that you'll find a reason to stay. Your entire life purpose gets defeated there, doesn't it? I mean, I am sure you love travelling, you love sight-seeing, you love blogging it all but I am pretty certain that you're led by fear just as much as you are led by love."

The man was too stunned to speak.

The audacity this woman had.

"You think you have me all figured out, huh?" He countered. Her jaw twitched, not answered. "Um, you're an open book yourself. This reckless fun behaviour that you put up–it's all for show. You are just as scared everyone else is. I didn't see past your facade at first but us getting almost mugged did prove that you aren't as fearless as you pretend to be."

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