17 | I want it that way

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THE water splashed as soon as Aahana's body hit the lake. Everett hesitated before plunging in. It was a long time since the last time he swam. He surfaced and she approached him to splash water. He shielded himself with his hands before swimming closer to her. Without thinking, he held her hips underwater as a mischievous grin plastered on his face. He pulled her down along with him. It took her by surprise. She jabbed his chest as soon as they surfaced. An echo of their laughter filled in the air.

There were many people around them and he didn't like the girl who kept staring at him. He didn't react but swam to the other side where there were comparatively fewer people. Aahana followed him.

"It's nicer on this side," she said. She closed her eyes and began humming a song. He had heard that song but he was too busy watching her. He smiled a little. His eyes focused on her soft lips but he forced himself to close his eyes. He began singing the song that she was humming.

"You are my fire..."

"The one desire..." she continued.

"Believe when I say..."

"I want it that way."

They sang for a couple of minutes before he heard someone clap. At first, he thought she had clapped but upon opening his eyes, he saw someone else clapping. It was the same girl who was staring at them.

"You two sing pretty well," the girl said.

"Thank you." Aahana smiled genuinely at her.

"I'm Hannah, by the way. Nice to meet you both."

"Hey. I'm Aahana and he..." she looked over at him with a smirk, "...is my moderately good friend, Everett."

"Friend–oh." Hannah sounded disappointed. "I thought--boyfriend. You two are cute together."

"Ah, no. I would never date him. Can't imagine the torture his future partner might go through." Aahana laughed. He shot a death glare at him as a comeback rolled on his tongue but decided that it was too mean so he turned away to find Hannah. She looked at them as if she had seen a couple of cute puppies (or kittens since he was a cat person).

"Are you a resident in Peakview?"

"No. We just came for a small trip," Everett answered for both of them. She nodded.

"You two have fun. I'll go back to my friends." And Hannah swam away. He turned to Aahana.

"She is strange," he remarked.

"I think she's cute."

"If you find strangeness cute then maybe." Everett shrugged. "Anyway, we should leave if we want to visit other places." He began to swim to the shore when she suddenly clutched his arm. He turned around to find her staring at him with puppy eyes.

"We only just got here. Let's stay for a few minutes." When he gave her a pointed look, she frowned. "It's just us. I doubt we'd find this serenity anywhere else." He looked around. True to her words, everyone had left, even Hannah.

"Fine." He sighed. She shrieked with happiness and let his arm go. Without thinking, he held her wrist underwater. The water started to feel warm underneath him.

He fumbled. He didn't know why he held her hand. "I...um, make it quick."

"Yessir." She winked.

Zelda provided them with towels

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Zelda provided them with towels. He dried himself before wearing his clothes again. He walked out and waited for his companion to come out. When she did, they thanked Zelda and strode away. They weren't skating this time. They left the skates at the cabin and told Zelda to keep a watch on it before they come back in the evening to take it.

They walked down the street. Everett had done his research but for the first time, he let someone else control their day. He trusted her with locations so far.

She broke the silence between them. Her shoes creaked against the concrete footpath. "This mustn't be very special for you."

He peered at her. "What do you mean?"

"You have travelled to many cities and towns. Swimming in the lake, road trips, sleeping under the stars. Haven't you done all this before?"

"I have."

"Then all this must be normal to you."

"Not really. I don't think I'll ever get tired of all this. But I don't know. I have to admit there is something in the air of Peakview. It feels different somehow. I like it." She smiled at him. He continued, "Sometimes, I wonder. There could be so many memories of people on the road we are walking on and we are just that—passersby."

"Well, I'm not going to be a passerby anymore."


"I got accepted at Peakview University. I'll move here in a month."

He raised his eyebrow. "I thought you're more of a Harvard or Yale girl."

She laughed. "I probably am but it is too far away. I don't want to stay away from my parents like my sister chose to. Peakview is just five hours away which means I'll be there for them every weekend." She swallowed uncomfortably as if a bitter memory shot in her mind. "What about you? Are you a Harvard guy?"

"Pfft. Nah. I dropped out of college. It's hard for me to study."

"So, how old are you?"

He laughed. "You still haven't figured that out?"

She tucked a strand of her wet hair behind her ear. "I can't guess. I thought you were eighteen with your baby face but you said you dropped out of college so, um, I don't know."

He laughed again even when she said he had a babyface. "I'm twenty-one."

"WhOat?" The word slipped in her British accent. "Wow. I thought you're nineteen. How do you not have facial hair?"

He had been asked this question many times. "I don't know. That's just how I am....?" It sounded more like a question because in all honesty, he didn't know and he didn't care.

"Good." She patted his cheek lightly while chuckling. "I'd like to date guys with baby faces rather than a beard." She widened her eyes. "Man, I didn't mean–" her eyes fell to their left. "There we are!" She changed the topic in one millisecond. He stifled his laughter and looked to the direction she was pointing. "Let's have a quick lunch at my favourite restaurant in Peakview!"

She crossed the road. With a smile on his face, he followed her.

I'd like to date guys with baby faces.

would you rather date men with baby faces or with beard?

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would you rather date men with baby faces or with beard?

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