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You finish up filling your last box of Magazines, Posters and Tickets from all the Quidditch World Cup games you've been to for the last few years. You've always wanted to be a chaser or at least a keeper. Now you finally have the chance to tryout for the sport you've followed for years.

Your dad was a keeper back in school when he played Quidditch, he was top player too. He practically was an inspiration to you and still is, He's a little rusty when you practice in the backyard frequently but nothing you can't complain about.

"I finished!!!" You yell from your empty, cold room as you sigh and put your hands on your waist. You look around your room as thoughts overwhelm your mind from all the memories that you made in this room.

You sit on the floor as your eyes start to get heavy and fill with tears "I'm going to miss it here.. like a lot" you say softly to yourself, sniffling but then you get interrupted as you hear soft footsteps walking up the stairs.

You've heard those footsteps before and you know for a fact that it's Fleur Delacour, another student and your best friend that attends Beauxbatons, that you've known practically your whole life.

"F!? Is that you?" Thats the nickname you gave her in second year. "Y/N angel!!" you turn around and smile, standing up and running towards her, giving her a big, soft, warming hug. it's only been 2 weeks.

"God I don't know how i'm gonna live without you". She laughed and rubs the back of your head "Trust me, you'll live.. I mean come on!! You are going to meet some pretty cool people. and i know for a fact that you will end up being sorted into Gryffindor" she said softly in her french accent.

"Yeah yeah true, but i'm still going to miss you no matter what. Father got promoted in the ministry which i'm really proud of him for but at the same time i have to leave you and the girls" you sigh as you look up at her since she's a few inches taller than you are.

You really are excited to go to hogwarts, You just don't know if you will meet lifetime friends like Fleur. "But you can always visit in the summer, If you don't have a lot of summer homework of course" You are calmed by her mellow laugh and you laugh along.

You say your goodbyes to Fleur as you have your trunk in your hand, tearing up and smiling slightly knowing that it's definitely not the last time you are going to see her. She hugs you one last time and winks playfully, since it's your inside joke.

You plop the trunk and suitcases in the back of your parents old Ford and get into the seat behind the drivers side, looking out the window as Mother and Father say goodbye to the neighbors. Thinking about the fact that you don't have to hear their loud, aged dog wake you up at 4am every morning.

A few minutes go by and you guys are already on the road, Father is listening to his classic rock playlist as always. You roll your eyes playfully while laughing as he pretends he is playing the drums with fake drumsticks in his hands. Your head turns to your Mother who is in the drivers seat shaking her head.

"Will you please turn that racket off William!!". You know your Mother is mad when she uses your Fathers first name, which she rarely does. You are silent for the rest of the car ride to Kings Cross Station, playing with your lips silently and throwing your head back to look at the roof of the car.

You get out of the car as you wander your eyes around the surroundings and the buildings around you. "Dad you have my owl, wand and suitcase right? I cant be at Hogwarts without them" You laughed gently as you look at him, searching deep in the trunk for your owl, Archimedes aka Arch.

"HA! found him" he smirks, proud of himself after spending 5 minutes looking for the cage with the Barn Owl inside. Your Mother comes up from behind you and looks at you, as your Father goes and grabs a cart from the station so that you can put your belongings on it.

"You are going to be responsible and safe right!? No dying on me Y/N" Your mother says as you chuckle at her and hug her "Never!! I promise Mother". You can hear sniffle and you look up "Merlin, Mother.. It's not like i'm going to be gone for the rest of my life." you said as you wipe her tears from off her cheeks.

She nods and kisses the top of your head "Good and remember It's platform 9 3/4 not just 9." she added on. "But there is no such thing as-" You say confused because you never heard of such a thing.

A few minutes go by and you say your goodbyes to Father and Mother. It's scary going on your own to a whole new school and meeting new people.

sparks; ron weasley Where stories live. Discover now