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You enter the Station looking around, hoping to see someone heading in your direction because you don't exactly know where to enter to go to 9 3/4. You look down at your ticket and raises an eyebrow "Hmm, where is this stupid platform" you start to walk around and you end up in between platforms 9 and 8.

You hear another cart behind you, turning your head around too see a tall, lanky platinum haired boy run into a wall without crashing into it. You gasp under your breath and tilt your head, very lost on what just happened.

You decide to try to enter the mysterious entrance, running into it like the boy did and finally entering the wall, breathing heavily "That was wild-" you stop yourself from saying anything else and your eyes wander around the area with the red train waiting on the tracks as teenagers enter it "Well i guess this is it, The Hogwarts Express" you read on the front of the train, smiling and walked your cart to the side of the train so that you can enter it.

Before you enter the doors to get onto it, you bump into the tall, platinum haired boy from earlier. "Shi- Oh my merlin! I'm so sorry" you look down and try to make your way through him but he stops you before you can walk past him "You filthy little-" he looks down at you and raises an eyebrow.

You look up at him, clearing your throat "Next time pay attention" he said in a deep voice with a slight attitude. "I didn't mean to-" you said softly, trying to move past him but he bumps your shoulder a bit.

You make it into one of the empty booths and place the owl cage and suitcase down on the side of you, deciding to sit near the window. "A booth all by myself sounds pretty goo-" before you could say anything else, someone knocks on the door of the booth and you tilt your head to see a brown haired boy and a blonde haired girl standing and smiling.

You wave for them to come in and admire them "Hi, Is everything okay?" you ask them, wondering why they are here. "Ye-Yeah.. i'm sorry for bothering you, no other booths have room and Potters booth is all filled up" he laughed and the blonde haired girl continues to stand behind him, smiling at you. "Come on in!! Both of you are welcomed."

you continue to smile and they sit on the seats in front of you. The blonde haired girl quietly speaks up "I'm sorry for not introducing us, I'm Luna, Luna Lovegood and this is Neville Longbottom" he says as she bashes her eyelashes softly. "I'm Y/N L/N!! Nice to meet you both" you beam softly at them.

You, Luna and Neville continue to get to know eachother for the next few minutes. After Neville asked you why you're here, you add "Well technically, my Father got a new job promotion at The Ministry so he decided to take me out of the wizardry school that i was currently in, and move closer" you smile at him.

"Ahh i see, so you got your acceptance letter and all?" you nod your head at him and then look over at Luna, playing with her hair. "It's pretty scary transferring to a new school with zero friends whatsoever" you chuckle softly.

"Well me and Neville will most certainly be your friend Y/N" she says in her soft spoken voice. Her voice can literally put someone to bed in seconds and Neville seems like the type of kid that doesn't know what's going on half the time.

Grabbing Arch and your suitcase, you leave the booth while Luna and Neville go their separate ways, waving bye "I'll see you guys around!!" you say, Luna says the same to you. Finally you met some friends that you can get along with. You walk out the other exit and look down at your shoes, waiting for people to walk faster.

you turn to look at the booth next to you as you stand in the corridor to see people getting up, A red haired boy catches your attention and you smile,  'Must be a Weasley ' you think to yourself.

Father works with Arthur which is the Weasleys father.. you met him once and he was a very strange but sweet man. You end up making eye contact with him for a second as he smiles at you but then you turn your head around, your cheeks turning a slight red, pinkish color.

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