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It's the next morning, Hermione wakes you up early.. An hour earlier then you usually wake up on weekends. "WAKE UPPPPPPP Y/N!!" you groan quietly and then open your eyes, rubbing your eyes to see her hover over you "BLOODY HELL" you jump slightly "You scared me Hermione!!" you yawn loudly as you hear her giggle slowly fade into the distance.

You decide to get dressed into a tennis skirt with a blouse and a sweater over it, fixing your hair up into a ponytail, your locks flowing over the back of your neck. Humming as you walked down the hallway to the great hall, you make eye contact with a few students and smile at them passing by them.

You walk into the great hall, trying to search for Hermione or atleast Ron because you know he is eating atleast somewhere. You see Hermione reading her book as always and Ron eating, running up from behind her and hugs her "IM HEREEE, finally" you smile, sitting down next to her and fixes your skirt.

"Bloody hell Y/N you look gorgeous today!! Who are you trying to look good for" she nudges the side of your shoulder and you laugh. "No one, i mean it's my first full day at Hogwarts so mind as well look good." Ron checks you out as water runs down his mouth and he spits it out all over Neville. You obviously knowing he was staring at you.

"This is a brand new sweater Ron!! Come on" Neville said in a disappointed tone. "I didn't mean to!! There was like a bug in my water so i spit it out!!" He responded back to him, trying to clean up. Hermione taps on your arm and you roll your eyes playfully, knowing why she's tapping you.

You and Hermione decide to walk around the lake, admiring the tree line and the sky's reflection on the water. "Ron was totally checking you out Y/N.. I mean did you see how he was acting?." You push her gently with your hand "Hermione stopppp, I barely know the kid. He was probably staring at some girl behind me for all i know." you start to think to yourself. you cant have a crush this early into the school year.

"But what if he wasn't, like what if he WAS staring at you.. LIKE HELLO?!" You grab a stick from a branch and play with it in your hand "Shhh shhh shhhh, if he was then it's whatever. Not a big deal" you shrug your shoulders, grinning slightly as you think about things going through your head. "Not a big deal!? You are actually crazy" Hermione shakes her head in disbelief.

You walk back onto the school grounds, humming a rock song that's been stuck in your head since yesterday while your dad played his rock playlist in his car. Tapping your fingers on the side of your thighs "We are going to meet the boys in the common room again" you turned to look at Hermione as she said that "Perfectly fine by me.. Race ya!"

You run up the stairs as they move, leaving Hermione down stuck at floor as she pouts, running into the common room and stops. You breathe heavily, trying to catch your breath "I WON! i won.." you look up as you see ron sitting on the couch "I made a grand entrance, didn't i?" you whip your hair behind your shoulder playfully as he laughed. "You most certainly did" he replied back.

"So where is Potter?" you ask curiously as you hop over the couch and sits down across from him, not seeing him or anyone else around. "Apparently he's with Ginny? Doing a project? i mean that's what i heard at least. My sister never tells me anything anymore" he says in response as you giggle, staring at him as he plays with a piece of parchment.

You go to grab the corner of his paper to see what he was writing or what's on it before he ends up moving it away from you quickly "Hm.. secret love letter huh" you add on and he shakes his head in response "Definitely not! why would you say that?" you raise your eyebrow as he continues to write. He's acting pretty suspicious. or maybe he just doesn't want me to see his horrible writing technique.

You scoot down to sit on the floor next to the fireplace, watching the sparks that are floating off of the wood as you play with your necklace, turning around to look at Ron who is still writing "Did they ditch us or what-" He shrugs his shoulders, ignoring your question.

You continue playing with your necklace deciding to get up and walk up to your room "Goodnight Ron" you walk past him and he grabs your arm, turning to look down at him still on the couch, you guys make eye contact, his blueish-greenish eyes meet yours. your ears starting to warm up which only happens when you are about to blush or just overwhelmed. "Goodnight Y/N" he winks and lets go of your arm.

'Okay who gave this man love potion because i never seen him act like this.. like never' you think to yourself and shake your head as you sit on the edge of the bed. that was odd. like very odd. VERY ODD OF RONALD WEASLEY.

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