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( If you guys are wondering, yes i'm trying to get to some steamy parts but i'm trying to make it a "slow burn" for a reason. also i'm sorry about how late the chapters are coming out!! also this chapter will be a bit short but i promise i will write more after christmas. trust me, i will be posting more often.. i promise. anyways enjoy ♥︎)


You guys admire each other after the kiss and smile, blushing exactly at the same time, he stutters as he is about to say something.

"I- i'm sorry that i kissed you, i just couldn't control it" he rubs the back of his neck and looks up at you

You look back up at him and kiss him again so he gets the memo "Ron.. Please don't apologize, it's okay" you smile and scrunch your nose

Madam Pomfrey said it was safe and alright for him to leave but he needs to be careful with his arm, he struggles to get up from the bed so you help him

"Don't worry Madam Pomfrey, i'll make sure he's careful, and if he doesn't then i'll probably end up turning him into a rat or something" you say jokingly

Ron gasped slightly, looking offended, you smile at him with a smirk while crossing your arms. " Blimey, that's going a bit too far, don't you think?" he gulps with a scared look on his face.

"Not really Weasley but let's go, you don't want to spend the rest of the night in a gross hospital bed" he grabs onto your arm as it's reached out for him to grab it with his open hand and he continues to hold onto it as you guys walk out of the hospital wing.

You guys make it to the common room, and you start to part your ways. "Goodnight Weasley" you say as you walk up a few steps, not turning behind you to look at him. You don't hear anything else but you do feel a tug at your arm.

"Wait- i was gonna say something..." you turn around to hear Ron's soft voice, making eye contact. "What's up Weasley? you okay?" he nods his head in response and he goes to kiss you.

You kiss back, your lips are pressing against his. feeling heat between you guys. You wrap your arm around his neck, finally feeling taller then him even though you are standing on a step.

He pulls away and smiles at you. You are now noticing how precious and wide his smile is. he pressed his forehead against yours "That's all i wanted to say love" giving you one last peck on your lips and rubbing the side of your cheek softly.

~~~~~ Skip a few days ~~~~~

You and Ron have been close for the last week or so, spending every minute you have available with him, which was a lot since you barely had anything to do.

you guys read books. talked, hung out, played wizard chess and even practiced spells on eachother for quizzes. you were slowly falling for him each day.

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