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You and ron finally make it to the hospital wing and he lays down the in the bed and you sit in the chair next to the bed as Madam Pomfrey gets him settled.

"Thank you for staying with me, i didn't want to be left alone and you know-" he said as you nod your head and pat the top of his hand, smiling slightly.

"No i totally get it Ron, no need to thank me" he smiles back at you, your eyes meeting contact for a couple of seconds until Madam Pomfrey interrupts to put Rons arm in a sling, watching as he groans in pain.

He continues to wince in pain but you grab his open hand to hold it to comfort him. You don't like seeing him this way, but you finally see him smile at you in the corner of your eye.

You look up at him and laugh "Take a picture, it lasts longer Weasley" but then he takes his eyes off of you,  grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it. Obviously that makes you blush.

"That's your gift for staying here with me, so you're welcome ma'am" he said in a soft tone into your ear, making you get goosebumps down your spine.

You lean in near his cheek and kisses it, going up to his ear "Stop flirting with me Ronald" you slowly move away and smile, rolling your eyes playfully as he turns flustered.

"I AM N-" he says loudly before you cover his mouth so he can shut up, your eyes widening "Sir its two in the morning.. You need to shut up" you laughed quietly as he frowns.

"Besides, it's okay.. it's not like i won't tell anyone. It's pretty obvious that you flirt with me" you lean back in the chair, still not letting go of his hand because you like the feeling. "Do i really make it THAT obvious?" he raises an eyebrow.

You nod your head and laugh "You make it obvious to the point where Hermione even notices it." He gasped quietly after he heard that come out of your mouth. "But like i said Weasley, i won't tell anyone."

"Okay good because that would be embarrassing if Fred and George found out- They would probably annoy you so much over it" He laughed as he looked down and played with his fingers.

You laughed also and then raises an eyebrow, seeing him look down "Whats wrong? Everything okay?" He nods his head and looks back up, clearing his throat obvious that he's going to say something.

"No it's just that, It might seem weird to you that i already like you after a week or so? i mean how long have you been here? And i already like you." You listen to him with open ears. "It's like when you first came here, i felt a connection with you.. i don't know why? but i just did. I'm not saying i'm in love with you.. all i'm saying is that, the reason why i didn't tell you is because i didn't want you to be weirded out"

You grab the side of his cheek and rub your thumb against it "Ron, please don't ever think that. i know we barely know each other but we will get closer for sure." You reassure him while smiling at him and seeing him nod his head.

You continue to admire him, getting an urge to kiss him, knowing it's probably wrong so you just play with your fingers, the silence is loud.

All of a sudden you feel his lips against yours and you smile, feeling the pressure. For once, you actually kiss back, loving the feeling weirdly?

Do you actually like him back? or is this just a fling that would happen once and not again?

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