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You and ron are working on the project together as you feel an energy staring at you across the room and you choose to ignore it but a few minutes it's still staring at you so you lift your head up and look.

It's Neville, you see him smiling at you and you smile back but then you catch Ron staring at you guys smiling at eachother, having a jealous look on his face.  He shouldn't even be jealous in the first place. You aren't even his "property".

You roll your eyes at him and shake your head, wanting to say something to Ron but decide to keep it in because you know if you spit something out then it will either be embarrassing or just bitchy.

Before you can work on anything else, Snape dismisses the class and you go on your way with Hermione, of course she brings up how Ronwas practicing drooling over you and getting jealous about Neville smiling at you.

"It's practically pathetic like can he let me live for one second!? it's like he's obsessed with me" you roll your eyes, hearing someone behind you sigh and chuckle. "He's behind me isn't me" you turn to look at hermione, staring behind you and shake her head.

you feel a large bicep/arm wrap around your shoulder, butterflies starting to swirl around in your stomach like someone almost just punched you right in the gut softly. "Who were you talking about y/l/n" he raises an eyebrow, obviously curious and waiting for an answer out of your mouth.

Why is he making you feel this way, this is super odd.

~~~ TIME SKIP ~~~

You and Hermione decide to hang out in the dormitory to gossip and eat all the licorice wands in the world for the rest of the night while the rest of the girls are out somewhere probably snogging.

"How did you not die that night!! oh my merlin" she laughed, reacting to your story about you falling down 6 flights of stairs while you attended beauxbatons. "I mean my f-" all of a sudden before you can let another word out, you hear a bang and a scream come from the common room.

You jump off your bed, sliding on a blanket that was on the floor and running out of your room, hanging over the balcony, looking down at the common room to see Ron on the floor laughing but obviously in pain.

"Bloody hell what did you do now Ronald!?" Hermione says in a angry but worried tone, rushing down the steps with her to check up on him. You kneel down next to him and rub his arm. he probably broke a bone, knowing his clumsy self.

"The twins came rushing into the common room and scared Ron to the point where he fell back on his arm" Harry says, you see him trying not laugh. 

"Alright well we need to bring him to the hospital wing right away so that Madam Pomfrey can fix him up" you say as you help him get up from the floor as he whines in pain. You and his face are inches away from each-other, your cheeks turning a slight reddish pinkish color.

"Y/n, go take Ronald and me and Harry can clean this mess up" You look down at the books and glass that's on the floor, nodding your head and looking back up at her.

Great now you are going to be left alone in the hospital wing with Ronald Weasley, not knowing what's going to happen.

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