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You are up by yourself early even before Hermione which is definitely odd for you. You couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night. Those thoughts still rummaging through your head.

Hermione wakes up once you close your dresser drawer, staring at you with a confused face as she rubs her eyes a couple of times. "Y/N? Are you okay?"she even knew it was odd of me to be up this early. You nod your head, not letting a response out of your mouth.

She rushed out of bed, walked towards you and grabbed the side of your arm "y/l/n, please tell me what's wrong" she looks at you with a worried look on her face. "It's- it's.. just last night. Not a big deal Hermione."

"But-" she said without saying anything else. You put on your robe and grabbed the heavy pile of books, holding them in your grip and leaving the dorms so that you can head to breakfast.

You walked into the great hall, everyone having their eyes on you like always, at this point you're used to it. You sit next to Neville who you see is sitting by himself eating toast and eggs.

"Hey Neville" you smile slightly at him and he smiles back without hesitation. "Hello Y/N!!" he says back as you grab a piece of toast from the rack on the table. "Are you excited for your first day of classes?"

"Eh yeah i guess i am" you shrugged your shoulders "a lot of stuff happened last night and i just have to get it off my mind so i can focus on schoolwork" you turn to him as you bite a small chunk of the toast that's in your hand.

He nods his head "Well i believe in you!! If you ever need a partner in Herbology, you know you can count on me!!" he has a tight grin on his face, you loved his energy. You take your last bites of your toast "Thank you so much Neville. It means a lot" you hug him tightly.

After Neville hugging you back, you say your goodbyes and go off to class, walking down the hallway and passing the courtyard, your eyes wander around the beautiful architecture around you.

You finally get to DADA class and sit down in one of the open spots in the front row, setting your books down beside you. You tap your fingers on the table while you wait for more people to come into class.

You while you are looking down at your fingers, you feel a tall figure standing over next to you and then sit down at the spot beside you, you look over and see that it's Ron. 'Bloody Hell' you say to yourself, panicking on the inside.

You start to fidget with your fingers still, taking a deep breath and swing your feet back in fourth, feeling Ron's eyes on you but you decide to ignore it. You look back at Hermione, giving you the eyebrow raise and you roll your eyes at her.

Snape walks in and looks at you, then at the class "Well it looks we have a new student this year.. Y/L/N right?" you nod and respond immediately "Yes Professor.. Y/N" not wanting to get on his bad side but already feeling it.

A few minutes into DADA and Snape separates the class into partners for a project, and of course.. Ron is your partner, this is going to be good. Ron turns to look at you and you turn to look at him, not wanting to make eye contact with him but immediately you did.

"So i gu-" he chokes on his words and clears his throat. "Can i just start off by saying that i'm sorry for last night.. i didn't mean t-" you cut him off and look at him with a straight face "It doesn't matter anyways.. it's in the past anyways right? Let's just forget about it"

But a voice in your head is saying to not forget about it. You don't want this to be in the past.. or do you?

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