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You've been up all night thinking about things, you finally hear Hermione walk into the dorm. "Bloody hell Hermione where were you!?" you see her smiling and you sit up fast, almost hitting your head on the side of bed frame. "OKAY SPILL THE BEANS RIGHT NOW!!" you drag her onto the bed so that she can sit next to you.

"WHO. WHAT. WHER-" she covers your mouth with her hand, shushing you "Shut up! Ronald is still down in the common room." You laugh quietly "It was Cormac but that's it, he just gave me a tiny little kiss but that's it!!" you gasp and cover your mouth, completely in shock.

"I have no clue who that is but still- YOU GUYS KISSED!!" you clap softly and quietly as she laughed. "Trust me you don't want to know.. He has a weird obsession with me. I mean that's what Ron told me so-" you raise an eyebrow, weirded out "Yikes never mind then."

2am, You are still tossing and turning. Hermione is fast asleep, probably dreaming of her weird kiss with that Cormac guy.

You decide to put your pajama robe on over your pajamas and walk down to the common room to see if sitting by the fireplace would make you sleepy at some point.

You aren't even half way down the stairs when you see someone pacing back and fourth on the old, maroon rug that's near the couch. Making out who the person looks like, It's Ron.

Once he's turned away from the stairs, surprised he hasn't seen you. You go sneak behind him and tap him on the shoulder. Hoping he wouldn't scream or punch you in the face

"BLOODY HEL-" he turns around, jumping with fear, you cover his mouth quickly with your hand. "Ron it's just me, calm down" you shake your head and giggle quietly.

"Why are you still up in the first place Weasley?" you remove your hand from off his mouth. "I cant sleep!! Im still writing for this stupid assignment that's due on Monday"

Ronald Weasley doing homework on a weekend? In the middle of the night? AT 2AM? Yeah no he's obviously lying about something. "Okay you can tell me the truth now Ronald" you smile and cross your arms, sitting down on the couch as he does the same, he looks at you with a face that looks flustered.

"Hermione tells me you don't even do your homework" you know he is lying. The way his face is just looking at you. His eyes drawn on you, still having your arms crossed. You fidget with your thumbs and wait for him to spit out whatever he was holding in.

Out of no where, he kisses you with his soft colored, pinkish lips. A thousand thoughts racing in your head, not knowing what you should do.

You push him away and wipe your lips afterwards, standing up and gulping "I'm going to bed, i- i'm sorry" you take a deep breath and walk up the stairs to your dorm.

You shut the door softly and sit on your bed. Staring at a blank space on the wall, not moving whatsoever. What just happened. Who actually put a love potion his drink because that was so unexpected.

You don't know how to feel. You haven't known this boy longer then 2 days. Why did he do this. Was this some sort of prank?

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