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Once you enter the main entrance to Hogwarts, staring at all the people associate and hug each other, knowing that they get to see their friends after another year. You see Dumbledore and McGonagall stand by the main hall door welcoming all the students, walking up to McGonagall you keep that soft smile on your face.

"Hi Professor!! I'm getting sorted tonight right?" You and your parents have known McGonagall their whole life, You've met her a few times and she is so kind. they kept in contact with her this summer and wrote letters upon letters, letting her know that you will be transferring into Hogwarts and that's how you got your acceptance letter.

"Yes Y/N, Just put your stuff down and head into the great hall" you nod your head at her response and walk into the door, catching a few people stare at you, but then noticing everyone's eyes are now on you, seeing a few of the boys whisper in each others ears and some of the girls smile at you. You sit at a table next to Luna as Dumbledore clears his throat.

You sit down on the stool as McGonagall places The Sorting Hat on your head. This moment. You've been dreaming of it your whole life. The anticipation. All eyes are on you. "Mmm.. Yes, I see" The Sorting Hat clears his throat. You cross your fingers hoping it's Gryffindor since you want to live on your parents legacy.

"GRYFFINDOR!!!" the hat blurts out, you smile and the Gryffindor table cheers and claps, again the Weasley catching your eye. You get up off the stool and walk towards the table, one girl that's sitting near Weasley waves you over to sit with her. You smile and sit down beside her "Hi, I'm Y/N!! Nice to meet you."

"I'm Hermione Granger, this is Harry Potter and thi-." the red haired boy interrupts her "Hermione, I think we can introduce ourselves" Harry laughs at his response and Hermione rolls her eyes.

"Whatever Weasley" he crosses her arms and the Weasley leans over her to shake your hand "Ron Weasley, not Ronald.. just Ron" he chuckles and smiles at you.

you shake his hand back, feeling a rush of euphoria and love entire your body like you are finally safe.
"Well just Ron, nice to meet you" you laughed back and scrunches your nose, slowly moving your hand off of his and hiding your blush with your robe sleeve.

After a long day, you finally get to dig into food. You savor the overwhelming flavors and sigh "Merlin, this is bloody good food" you said as Hermione, Ron and Harry laugh.

Hermione turns to look at you as you eat the last few bites of your food "Aren't you happy we get to share a dorm together!? I know for a fact we will keep eachother up all night talking" you nod and laugh "Most definitely Hermione."

"Honestly the boys are going to get on your nerves pretty much all the time so get prepared for that. I've dealt with them for the last 6 years of my life so- i'm kind of used to it" she giggled. You loved how she giggled, she had the same laugh as you which makes you happy.

"Oh trust me, Im prepared.. i'm going to annoy them just as much so they can stop bugging us" you said as you grabbed some of your clothes out of your suitcase/trunk and into the dresser draws. After cleaning out your trunk full of clothes and such, you slide it under your bed and look up at Hermione who is now reading a book.

You get out of the shower and brush your hair, changing into pajamas for the night and smiling as you walk out of the bathrooms. You search the girls dorm, for Hermione who is no where to be seen. You decide to walk to the Gryffindor Common Room to see The Golden Trio sitting near the fireplace.

"I thought y'all died on me for Merlins sake" you laughed and sat down next to Hermione who was also in her Pajamas. "You say Merlin too much Y/N" Ron says in a soft tone but also shaking his head.

"I guess it's my signature thing now Weasley" you shrugged your shoulders, seeing him in the corner of your eye admire you with a smile. "Well atleast tomorrow is Saturday, thank Merlin we have no class" Harry adds in.

Hermione continues to reads her book out loud, you then rest your head on her shoulder as you start to get a bit sleepy, yawning a bit. Meanwhile Ron and Harry joke around as they make some books that were on the bookshelf, float. You hear Ron's obnoxious laugh, just hearing his laugh makes you smile like a kid in a kid in a candy store.

Maybe you really found a group of friends that are forever.

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