2. The Little Chicky

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A beautiful red barn stood in the middle of a golden sunflower field. Without any neighbors in sight, all of the little animals were still happy in their beautiful barn. They all had their own roles and tasks to play and they didn't mind it; from the horse, to the pig, to the hen, and all her little chicks. One of the chicks was mighty adventurous, so he will leave the group to find a cool story to tell the rest but he never left far enough to find his story he was looking for. He wandered into the horses stall one time wanting to try the horses food but he couldn't eat what the horse eats, his beak was far too small and far too hard, what he needed was teeth. Another time he wandered to a nearby wall to look for any bugs in the corner to tell his siblings that he found but, disappointed, he couldn't find any so back to his brothers and sisters he went.

One day when the sky was clear and pretty, not a cloud in sight, a spark had been ignited. Unbeknownst to any of the other animals that a fire started but slowly and surely the flames began to lick the walls of the barn, surely hungry for more. Calmly one after another, out the animals went from the barn to a clear patch nearby where its safe. The horse was the first to go because he was the biggest and he had no other options to exit if the door fell like the rest of the other, smaller, animals had. Next was the pig and when the hen decided she was finished gathering up her chicks they all left the burning barn but where was the adventurous one? Poor little chick had gone on another adventure again and was up in the hay loft. Now as the flames began to rise now all he could do was look out the window with a sad look on his face. The purple horse fretted he was too big while the yellow pig fretted it was too hot. The red eagle fretted that he would only frighten the chick while the blue raven found nothing in the deed of rescuing the chick to be helpful to him, so he turned his beak away. So there from the window that little chick took in the sight below him of all his friends and family gathered to watch him in his pretty red barn burn. He watched from above and remorsefully as his mother looked back up at him, not having moved an inch and with no way of telling if she was grieved by the loss of her baby boy.

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