(Rohan's bedroom)
Author's POV:
She saw Rohan sitting and talking to Chris and Katherine who are crying on his shoulder. Everyone looked happy. Rohan noticed Kiara and gave her a 100-watt smile.
"Doll come here." Rohan called her.
She takes trembling steps towards him and stands infront of him.
"Bha-by-ya!" She called him shuttering.
For the first time after 5 years, she cried very hard seeing him but stops herself thinking that she was showing her weakness. She choked on her tears and her breathing gets rapid, indicating that she is having a panic attack.
Katherine rushes and brings her phone where Isha's voice is recorded as Rohan was not in a state to move (When Kiara gets panic attacks, she can only be calmed down by Isha, Rohan, or Rohan's mother voice. Because her panic attacks started after she left her house.)
Everyone gets tears seeing her condition. She becomes normal and rushes towards him.
"Bhaiya I am sorry. Because of me bhaiya and bhabhi died. Bhaiyu I am so sorry. Please do not keep me away." She said with a fearful voice.
Everyone gets shocked seeing her begging like this.
"Doll it was not your fault. Please stop blaming yourself and why did you not visit mom?" Asked Rohan.
"Bhaiya, I was scared to face her and see her eye to eye after the accident." Kiara replied keeping her head down.
He lifted her head and said "You are not at fault and you know how much mom loves you. You know how bad she will feel right? So what you did was wrong, right? She already lost one son and daughter. Do you want her to lose even another daughter?" Rohan cooed.
"I am sorry bhaiya. When we leave for India I will meet her." Said Kiara.
"Are we going to India?" Questioned Rohan.
"Yes bhaiya. I am thinking of expanding the business there and even started a new fashion line under the name of bhabhi." Said Kiara.
Then after some time, everyone left.
Then she goes to Rohan's room with the dinner and talks with him about what happened today and about the deal.
"Bhaiya, you know Aarav came today to the company as the CFO of Rathore group of companies. You know I was very proud to see him successful." She shares with Rohan.
"How did you feel personally after seeing him?" Asked Rohan.
Kiara turns her head away as she was scared about this question coming up which she wanted to avoid.
"Doll, do not hide your face. I know you were scared of this question being asked, but you need to face it. That is what bhai taught you right?" Rohan turns to head towards him and asked her.
She nods and replies with a blank emotion but Rohan knows about her inner soul, which felt sadness but still, it covered itself saying that she had to be strong and show that she doesn't care.
"He saw me with hate and disgust bhaiya. But I did not feel anything bhaiya. I felt used to it bhaiya. I do not know why they hate me too much." Kiara mumbled.
"No doll. They are fools to not understand you. Come sleep with me today. Tomorrow I want to come to the office to see Melissa and everyone." Said Rohan wanting to change the topic. He asked the question hoping she would show some emotions which she had been hiding. He hoped that at least after seeing her family she will show them, except her smile and her tears which he saw today. He had never seen any emotion expect her blank eyes and her blank face.
"I asked Melissa to come, maybe she was busy with work. But you need to take rest bhaiya and Adrija will be here tomorrow" says Kiara
"Only for some time Kiara. Please....... Pretty please......" Said Rohan.
"I will ask the doctor and then take you to the office the next day." Said Kiara.
She called the doctor and asked the doctor replied her to take him after 2 days of rest and not to stress him much.
The next day she was woken up by a loud booming voice due to which even Rohan jerked up from his sleep.
They both shouted at the same time"ADHRIJA."
She came into the room giving a toothy smile and rushed towards Rohan and hugged him.
"Lady, why do you have that loud voice?" Kiara asked irritatedly.
"Di you both were in deep sleep. So I did not find any other option."Adrija scratching her neck.
"Bache, how are you and how are the children in the orphanages and how are ur studies? " Rohan asked softly.
"I am fine bhaiya. All the children are also good. I finished my studies and I am joining as an intern in SS business firm which means I need to see that ugly sadu face every day." Says Adhrija.
Rohan laughed out loud and Kaira gave a small smile. Then they heard another voice .
"I heard someone calling me sadu." Says Gaurav.
"Finally you believed you are a sadu in our group." Adhrija mocked.
"That is why you love me, darling. "says Gaurav and smirks.
Adhrija glares him saying "You stupid, idiot, you did not even inform me that you were coming to the states." Adhrija said glaring.
Gaurav thinks that if anyone could be killed by glares then he would have died thousand times.

Fantasy"You think I am a fool to fall in your trap bastard?" Said the voice. "Wow you turned out to be an intelligent girl." Said the other voice. "But I am sorry. I am a step ahead of you." Said the 2nd voice. "Tch, tch I am two steps ahead of your piece...