Kiara and Rohan's house in India
Author's POV:
Kiara returned from the hospital and went home. When she was going inside the house, she saw Akshara wandering here and there. She stopped her and was going to ask her what happened but Akshara showered her with questions "ARE U FINE? ARE THE REPORTS NORMAL? WHAT DID THE DOCTOR SAY?"
Kiara replied "Mom wait! Let me answer each question of yours. Yes, I am fine and they told me that I need a little more rest and sleep. The reports are also normal."
But Kiara knew those reports are far from normal.
"Then you are not going to the office for 2 days." Akshara ordered her.
"Mom, I need to go as I have to finalize a deal and anyhow bhaiya will be there to take care of me and today I am not going to the office anyway." Kiara said.
"Aunty do not worry. I will also take care of her." Said Melissa coming downstairs.
"Ok I am trusting you people and if something happens to her, see what I will do with you people. " warned Akshara innocently.
"Ok, you only care about your doll and did not even feed me your handmade food." Melissa said and pouted.
Kiara thought How did I even bear this lady's drama for so long.
"Come drama queen. I will feed you and prepare your favorites." Akshara said chuckling.
Kiara was busy talking to Chris as he was handling the company in the states. Chris is one of the top doctors cum businessmen in the states.
"Princess, can you come downstairs as I want you to meet someone." Asked Akshara in the intercom.
"Why mom? I am talking to Chris. Is it really important? Can't it wait?" Kiara asks.
"I WANT YOU DOWNSTAIRS IN TWO MINUTES MS. KIARA." Ordered Akshara in a warning tone due to which Kiara had to accept it.
Kiara does not use her surname anywhere. She just introduces herself as Kiara because everything rewinds when she hears that surname.
"Mom then even call bhaiya." Kiara asked.
"He is also coming. He told he will be here in 10 minutes." Akshara said.
Kiara goes downstairs while speaking to Chris as she had to disconnect the call before. She was very angry that she shouted very loudly over the phone due to which Akshara was also scared for a second. Her voice sounded dangerous and blank. Kiara could not control her anger and she shouted at her secretary who could not give the deal details to Chris at the correct time.
Kiara saw the expression of Akshara and cut her call immediately and she failed to notice the other 2 persons who are in shock seeing her.
"Kiara it is ok but we should talk afterward. Meet my friend Prerna Raichand and nephew Aakash Raichand." Introduced Akshara.
Kiara was shocked seeing her mother and elder brother there. But she masks her emotions and says "Nice to meet you. Have a good time here." and turns towards Akshara and says "Mom, I am hungry. I will eat something." She said and turns to go but hears another voice.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE MRS. RAICHAND AND MR. AAKASH RAICHAND?" Rohan shouted who was coming downstairs.
Akshara gets shocked seeing this nature of her son who is usually very calm and composed. He does not get angry easily but if he gets angry, he will be a beast. He gets angry only with the people who harm his family or the closed ones.
"So what we assumed is correct. You will never change." Said Aakash to Kiara.
"Bhaiya leave it please." Kiara said as she did not want to create an another drama.
After they leave, Rohan says everything to his mother about them and how they are related to Kiara. Akshara gets shocked about 3 things. First, there are no emotions on Kiara's face. Second, they are Kiara's parents and lastly her son's anger.
She recieved 3 shocks on the same day.Love,

Fantasy"You think I am a fool to fall in your trap bastard?" Said the voice. "Wow you turned out to be an intelligent girl." Said the other voice. "But I am sorry. I am a step ahead of you." Said the 2nd voice. "Tch, tch I am two steps ahead of your piece...