(back to Max)
Max went back to his class room after talking to Sally. Max's Teacher: what took you so long in the bathroom it's been like two or one hour. Max: there was a very long line in the bathroom so it took a while to go in the bathroom and use it!(sarcastic) sorry if it took a while but it's only a few minutes wasn't even an hour.

Teacher: whatever I don't feel like having an argument with you. go sit back on your desk. 20 minutes has passed in the bell ring. Teacher:everyone is time to go to your next class go there and don't come back to this classroom because I want to be in here alone. Students: we know your retiring. Teacher: Max you're staying in the classroom a little bit longer since you took a long time in the "bathroom" Max: you apparently think I didn't use the bathroom I'm sorry that it took a long time because it had a darn line okay I am very sorry are you really get pissed off about that can I please go to playground and have a fun time there because you're being very rude and very mean over a stupid thing of going to the bathroom and I'm sorry was only a few minutes and for some reason for you it felt like an hour it wasn't. The teacher just stood there in silence and couldn't figure out what to do or say. The teacher got up from their desk and walked out of the room without talking to Max. Max: so I am not going to get a lecture okay I'm just going to go walk out my class cuz she just decided to walk away......oh I totally forgot. I need to go with Sally to Steve's room. Max got out of his classroom and walked very fast to Steve's room.

(Back to Sally)
Sally walk towards the room where Steve was at. Sally: wait a second I'm going to wait for max. Sally found a spot to wait for max. She eventually saw max walking in the hallway.

Sally: Max what took you so long. Max: it was only like 10 minutes but my teacher got pissed because I missed like a few minutes of her class so she told me to wait in the classroom. then I ranted at her and she walked out of classroom and so I think I was supposed to leave didn't know what else I was supposed to do at that time.
Sally: oh sorry that happened. Max: no it's fine it happens mostly a lot of times in my classes that I have. It's mostly because the teacher is rude to me or they just decided to blame stuff on me for no reason.

Sally: are you ready to go in the creepy room where Steve is in.
Max: you mean his cult room sure. Before they both got in the room they heard some weird noises coming from the room. Max: bro I think they're doing a ritual or something like that. because they're all saying the same thing. I don't know what's going on but we're going to open the door annoy. Steve is probably going to yell at us. They're both opened the door really fast and saw Steve with his friends. They were all holding something. Steve looked up.
Steve: you came here very early we were kind of busy doing something. Max: sorry that we came early but we kind of have a problem that we need to talk about. Steve points to his friends. Steve: can you guys get out of here I need to have a private conversation with Max and Sally alone. We can finish this later or tomorrow. His friends walk towards the door and head out. Max and Sally walk towards Steve. Steve: what was so important that you need to tell me.

Sally: (nervous) when I was in class with my teacher he told me that I had to go to a room with him so he can tell me something. Max: I decided to follow them and her teacher lead her into a weird room by itself and he wanted to talk to her in private so no one would hear the conversation. Steve: does your teacher have a name and what did he tell you. Sally: his name is Bob. Max: he really told Sally about all the stupid things that can happen at night and like there's killers and rapists and other stuff basically saying the same her  parents probably told her like years ago. I got so very annoyed by him asking so many stupid questions I busted in the door and........ Steve: did anything else happen besides the stupid questions. Max: He yelled at me and Sally and slapped her and other stuff happened he was mostly yelling at both of us and we were both scared. Sally shows him the red mark on her face.
Steve: was there a reason why he slapped you. Sally: he slapped me because I wasn't supposed to bring a friend along and after that he ..... Start it yelling at us. Steve: I can try talking to the principal and changing your class. Max: I'm not sure if the principal would believe us at all because he might think that she like fell down the stairs or something we kind of have proof. Don't I don't know if principal would actually do anything and she probably won't be able to change her class. Steve: you're probably right but if the principal doesn't really do anything or you can't change your class you might just have to skip the class or not be in school. Max: but she can't skip the class. Because you know that if she does she'll get in more trouble and probably get suspended but that hasn't happened in years because all of us are two scared to do that. Sally: I have an idea we can tell the principal later today and if nothing happens then I'll stay in the class. But if the teacher decides to do another terrible thing or yells at me or slaps me. I might just have to leave the school.

Max: you're not going to leave the school we have to find another way. If you can't change your class then I'll change my first class to be with you so I can protect you more than today. Steve: since we have an hour until  our next class we can go to the principal's office and say  everything that we said to them and if they don't do anything we can see if Max can change his schedule. I kind of forgot to ask you guys are you still doing the exploring tonight. Max: I'm not sure anymore I don't know if we're going to have to it later or not because all of this weird stuff is happening right now. Steve: let me know when we're going to do that. you can come back here later in the day if you want. Sally: hey Steve what were you doing before we burst into your room.
Steve: we're doing nothing at all. Max: you seem sus.
Steve: huh?? Max: you and your friends had books in your hands and was saying something. I don't know what it was but you guys sounding like a cult and like doing a ritual or some sort. Steve: oh me and my friends were just reading a story together sorry if that just scared you or something.
Sally: it didn't scare us where we're just very confused. Steve: well then let's head out and talk to the principal and see what they're going to do.

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