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(back to Bob)
After Bob's first class he told a substitute teacher to watch his class so he can go talk to the principal. He stomped all the way to the principal's office and every single student stared at him while he was stomping. He finally got to the principal's office and fish. Fish: excuse me sir you're supposed to be teaching your class. Bob: know that but I need to talk to the principal immediately. Fish turned around and look towards the principal. Fish: excuse me this gentleman wants to talk to you. The principle looks up from his desk to see Sally's teacher. The principal of got up and walk towards Bob. Principal: hey I haven't seen you in a long time. Bob: can we talk alone in a room where no one can hear us. Bob looked out of his corner eye to see two cloakley figures watching him and the principal talking. Principal: oh yes. I forgot we're doing a surprise birthday party for someone. Bob: .... The principal and dragged Bob into one of the private rooms. Bob realized it was the room that him and Sally talked in. The principal shut both of the doors and walked towards Bob. Principal: sorry for lying back there but hopefully you did realize the two other people staring at us. Bob: I think I know why they're here but you need to answer my question. Principal: what is your question. I may or may not have an answer for it. Bob: my friend told me that there was a third School connected to this school. Principal: ... And who is your friend's name?? Bob:. .... I ... Her name but they've told me that they don't need a name. But if you want to protect Sally and every single other students why are you hiding things from us. Principal: there's some things that just need to be left alone. But I can tell you why I haven't told anyone about the third School. Bob: I promise I won't tell anybody about the third School. Principal: I'm not here to tell you everything about the school or what's happening with Sally and I feel bad for her and her friends. The third school that is connected to the school does not have normal students they don't know how to communicate to normal students. Some of them wants to talk to normal students but they don't know how that is why we have a third school for them to go to to be taught how to interact with normal students. Bob: what do you mean by "normal students." Is there something wrong with the other students and the third School?? Principal: I can't really tell you everything about the students but the third school has students that aren't really humans some of them are half humans but they're afraid of normal humans and normal students. They are afraid that the normal students won't like them and they won't be able to fit in that's why we have a third school to make them feel a little bit comfortable and they can slowly get more comfortable with other normal students so they can slowly get into the normal school.

Bob: so our third school has monsters and creatures in there and they want to be friends with normal people. Principal: yes I know it sounds weird but I can't really just close it down you kind of know why. Bob: actually I have no idea why you can't really close it. It seems very obvious they should close that school down because of all the stuff that happened with Luna. Principal: that is also a problem Luna isn't dead. Bob: HOW IS SHE NOT DEAD YOU SHOT HER IN THE HEAD!! Principal: you need to keep your voice down so no one can hear us. Bob: I know but still Luna's supposed to be that she supposed to never exist. Principal: right after she died you forgot to Luna was and mostly every single person forgot who she was all of a sudden she's alive and you guys remember who Luna is and you were friends with her. Bob: haha I wasn't friends with her my friend was who made me go into that cult area. I tried to distance myself from Luna but it wasn't able to because my friend kept making me go there over and over every single day. Principal: yeah I know that some people never want it to be friends with her but she convinced them to be friends with her or force them to be. The problem is that she wants Sally and none of us knows why. Bob: I tried to protect her however my friend is much more terrifying than Luna right now. Principal: will your friend used to figure out what her name is because we can't just keep calling her your friend it's stupid. If she ever talks to you again figure out something to convince her to figure out her name. Bob: I could try but she tortures me and torments me every single night. Have you been in contact with Luna recently. Principal: I have when I was in the hospital and she had a lot of locally figures surrounding her. However her body look like it's been damaged multiple times and she still has a whole in her head when I shot her. She told me that I had to leave Sally alone and not make her leave the school however I expelled her because I want to protect every single student that I have in the school. Bob: how does she know that Sally goes here. Principal: ... She goes to our third School that's connected to this one. She recently showed up when Sally started coming here. Have you seen anything wrong or interesting about Sally that Luna would be interested about. Bob: ..... Sally has three colors in her eyes I don't know why and she never noticed that before. I've tried telling her why she has three colors in her eyes but she doesn't know why either. Principal: ..... This is just a thought maybe Luna has to do something with Sally or the other way around. I know Sally is working with Steve and Steve has been put through a lot of stuff in his life mostly just terrifying situations that he has been in. But since Steve has his own cult in the school and they don't do terrible stuff to anyone they just sit around a fire and talk about video games and whatever they also talk about. Steve could probably help her stay safe and make sure nothing bad happens to her. Bob: when you killed Luna where did you put her body at. Principal: it's right where the treehouse thing is at and the campfire next to another house and there's a bunch of other graves beside the house. I took her body and bury its next to that house with some other people's gravestones there too. Bob: I wouldn't go check there and see if it's not buried anymore but... Principal: yeah I also noticed that people are also following you too. We can't really do anything and Luna has a notice yet that Sally is gone she will notice soon and I don't know what will happen. Bob: there was a giant announcement in the school and he said that Sally couldn't come back to the school or near the school is it because you don't want Luna to get to her. Principal: ..... Yes and no. Look I know we can't talk all day about this you need to go back to your class and teach them math and I need to do principal stuff because I have a ton of piece of papers to fill out. They both walked out of the room and Bob went back to his classroom and the principal went back to his room to fill out papers and talking to other students.

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