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(Back to Bob)
Sky: Think God that phone call ended. Anyway your family is "Free" now. Bob: Can I please have my family back. I swear I won't get involved again. Sky: Bob did you really think I would trust you on your word that you won't get involved ever again? It would be very interesting if Luna sees you again. What she would do to you since you decided to get children involved? People are going to get hurt because you from them involve into this. This was you're doing! Your fault that people are going to get hurt! Bob: I swear that I won't get anyone else involved just let my family free and we will... Sky: Dude you should just shut up! I don't even know why Luna is obsessed with Sally and wanting her to be her best friend instead of me! You don't have the right to try to make her not be friends with her! I will do anything to make Luna happy and make her believe that I'm a trustworthy friend more than Sally. The sky walked over towards the fire and threw Bob's phone into it. Bob just watched sky doing as she wanted to do so he doesn't get anyone else hurts. Sky walked through The invisible wall and towards Bob's family.

Bob's wife: (humpf) So you're the bitch that I'm going to punch! Sky: oh please have you not looked at me or you decided to look up in the sky instead or your child. Bob's wife: I refuse to stare at the person that my husband decided to cheat on me with. My child is the only thing that concerns me right now and leaving this crappy. Sky: well it's really rude it's not stare at the person who's giving you a drink. Sky puts her hands out and two cups of pure in her hand. Bob: don't take the!... Sky: hey Bob have you seen anything else you might make things get even worse. So would you kindly shut the hell up. Bob's wife and child grabs the cups from Skye's hand and starts to drink it. Bob's wife looks at Sky and was a complete shocked. Her eyes couldn't figure out where she was looking at instead of trying to figure it out continue to drink the liquid in the cup.

Sky backs away and quickly walks towards Bob. Sky: see I told you nothing was going to happen. I just wanted to give them something tasty. Bob: (humpf) I honestly don't believe you. Sky: okay you have a point there because barely no one trusts me in this world. Who gave us a shit I can prove by friendship to Luna. She'll make me her best friend more than Lilly. Sky grabs Bob's hand. Bob tries to yank his hand away from her but sky tightened her grasp on his hand. Sky is slowly tilted her head towards Bob's hand and slowly move her head towards his hand. Bob was unsure of what sky was doing and was curious of what she was doing? Sky closed her eyes then whispered to Bob's hand. Sky: family... Happiness..... Let It go. Bob: so what are you doing? This guy opened her eyes and saw a cage around Bob. Scarlett and go of Bob's hand and stepped back a few steps.

Bob: You told me you were going to let my family go and ... I can have a normal life! Sky: that is going to happen but however to make sure you don't do this again I have to punish you. Bob: huh? A few seconds has passed and Bob's wife and child started to cough and gag. Bob: what did you put in that drink. Sky: I did told you you were going to have a normal life but not your child and your wife. This is what you get when you decide to interval for yourself and to other people's life. Bob: are you really going to kill my child! Sky: let me think about that... Yes to make sure you don't do this again. Bob's wife had some of her strength left to throw the cup at Sky. She continued to cough and gag and eventually he started coughing up blood. She tried to help her child do not call as bad as her. If you realize that she tried to help her daughter and made her coughing worse. Sky: darn!....I was sure that they were strong enough to drink that potion. Bob: what stupid potion did you give them to cause this. Sky: oh you know a potion of that can turn them into a vampire if they have the strength to turn into one it. But it looks like they don't have the strength to turn into one so they're going to continue coffee and gagging and coughing up blood and eventually they will die. First will be your child and then your wife. Bob: you're a sick disgusting monster! Sky: anyways you can stay there because you can't get out of that and I'll be back in a few minutes I do something real quick. But if you do try to escape the bird thingy that bring you here will kill you. So I hope you have a nice day with your family for the last time and I'll see you soon. Sky Walled in the fire then vanish. Bob was left there stuck watching his family suffering in pain. Bob: SHIT!! I ..... Wish this wasn't happening. He tried to squeeze through the metal bars but they were to close to gather. He started to kik and pull on the bars. After 4 minutes he Lost the energy to keep standing. He started to cry the slowly fell to his knees. Bob: my....wife I'm.... I'm sorry. My daughter I will.... Save ice cream...for you. Sorry! I.....I just wanted to help and protect! The kids in the school.

Bob was was unable to do anything but watch and hear his family suffer. He looked at there faces to see them crying in pain and looked scared. As more time past his wife and child slowly got more and more paler with even more blood on the ground slowly moving towards the fire. The coughing and terrifying sounded stopped. Bob looked up at his family and noticed his family was not standing up or making any movement. He looked down at the ground to see his family dead on the floor with blood surrounding there pale bodies with tears on there faces. Bob Sat there crying even harder then before making his chest hurt. After some time he stared at the body's of his family and the fire thinking about his family.

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