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They both carefully walked out of the tree building. Max: I think this place made be a Cult area I have no idea if that's true or not. Sally: it doesn't matter let's head back to the school. They climbed down the mountain they walked past the village that was burning. Finally they walked in the forest and end up at the front of the school.
Sally: is almost time for school to start let's go back to our beds and sleep I guess. Max: yes head back to bed and try to sleep but we can't tell this to anyone. Sally: okay. they both went back in the school. They walked through the hallway and went to their room. Max's friends: how was the exploring. Sally: it was fun and interesting. Max:it kind of got creepy at the end so we decided to head back to the school and sleep so we can go to classes in the morning.
Max's friends: that's cool you were coming back because we thought you were going to leave us and not come back until the morning. But try to get some sleep.

They both went into their beds and fell asleep. It was the next morning and they went to their classes.
Max: since we have reading together and it's our last class. Do you want to hang out or go to the playground have fun. Sally: sure hopefully I don't have homework. Sally went to her class and sat at her desk. then Lilly decided to sit next to her.
Lilly: how was your first day here. Sally: yesterday was awesome and amazing I met like a few new friends they're nice. Lilly: cool is it okay if I  sit next to you. Sally: sure you can sit next to me. The teacher hands out papers and teaches them what to do. Sally: hey lilly our teacher keeps staring at me for some reason. Lilly: maybe he wants to talk to you after class. I have no idea hopefully not looking at you in a creepy way. Sally:lol. Their class was over.

Teacher: everyone can go to the playground but Sally you need to stay here I need to talk to you about something. Lilly: can I wait for her outside of the door. Teacher: no you cannot I only need her in the room you cannot be outside of the door just go to the playground! ...... she knows where it's at she'll be there. Sally: Lilly I'll be fine okay I know where the playground is at I know where to walk so you can wait for me when the teacher is done talking to me. Lilly: okay I'll wait at the playground just be safe. Lilly left the classroom and sadly walks to the playground. Teacher: Sally why did you leave the school building and and decide to go somewhere else. Sally: I didn't go anywhere how do you know that? Teacher: that's none of your business I just want to know why you decided to go out of the school building. Sally:I didn't go out of the school building. I didn't do anything I just went to my room and fell asleep. Teacher: I don't believe you. But you know what ...... whatever. head to the playground I don't even care anymore we can talk about this later. Sally: are you supposed to be my teacher not like my freaking parent you don't go and just stock your students you don't do that. Teacher: just get out of class we can talk about this tomorrow. Sally got her stuff and went out of the classroom then had to the playground.

Sally: what a freaking creepy teacher I have right now he decides to go Snoop and things he's all smart and stuff and knows where I was going. She passes the two rooms. She decides to walk to one of them and put her ear against the door. She heard yelling and screaming. Sally: it sounds like there's two people in the room and one of them is getting hurt. Sally decided to not tell anyone about this. Then just walk towards the playground and ignore it. Lilly: oh my God what took you so long it felt like hours waiting for you. Sally: the teacher was being a freaking creep I don't know what his problem was but he told me to get out of the classroom then we'll talk about it tomorrow or so. Lilly: wow what a creep. Hey do you want to go over here in like sit and chat. Sally: sure that place looks interesting to sit. They both decide to sit down and chat. Sally: so how was your day yesterday. Lilly: oh my day was really great I just had to do a lot of things in testing class but it was great some of my friends we went on roller coasters and had a blast. Sally: that's cool. They chatted for a few more minutes.
Lilly: hey do you want to see an interesting view of the whole playground. Sally: sure. Lilly: you see that tall tree on top of the mountain. we're going to climb on it because there's a beautiful view of the whole playground.

Sally: but the tree is on the other side of the hill are we supposed to climate. Lilly: I just told you.... we're going to climb it. You see the stairs. that's how we're climbing up on it. Sally: oh!.... did not see that. They both walk towards the stairs. They passed some trees and some other things on the playground. They finally got to the top of the stairs and so the tree. Sally: that's a giant tree. Lilly: yep.we're going to climb it.

They both started to climb the tall tree

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They both started to climb the tall tree. Lilly almost fell but Sally grabbed her before she fell.
Lilly: thanks for saving me I almost died. Sally: you're welcome. They both went up on the top of the tree. They saw a beautiful view of the whole playground. Sally: I did not know the playground was this giant. we should do this more often. Lilly: kind of forgot to tell you that we're not supposed to climb the tree but no one's watching it's fine. Sally: what do you mean we're not supposed to climb the tree. Is it because we'll get hurt. What would happen if someone saw us. Lilly: I have no idea what would happen if someone saw us. We can get down if you want. Here I'll just take a picture of the playground and the beautiful view and keep it so we can both look at it. Sally: Let's get off the tree. You can send a picture to my phone if you want. Lilly took a picture of the playground and send it to Sally's phone. Then they both got off the tree. Lilly looked at the time on her phone then puts it back in her pocket. Lilly: shoot it's almost time to go to our next class. Sally: we can go to our next class now and will be early. Lilly: yeah that sounds like a great idea. See you tomorrow. Sally: sure.

They both walked very fast to their next class. Lilly went to her class. Sally: geez she walks faster than me oh well. Better go in my class an wait. she had it in her reading class and Max was sitting at her desk. Sally thought to herself. Sally:I wasn't the only one who thought to come to the class very early. Max looked at Sally.
Max: (excited) hey you came early. Sally walk towards her desk an set at it. Sally: I just wanted to come early and see who else will do the same thing. Max: So tell me what happened in the morning and your first class. Sally: my math teacher was being a creep he apparently new that we were exploring and not at the school.
Max: but no one was walking with us or looking at us. I checked to make sure no one was around us. So how would he know that. Sally: I have no idea but he also told me he will talk about it to me tomorrow? Max: this is very scary. Oh I have an idea can I come along with you so I can hear the conversation that you'll be having with your teacher tomorrow? Sally: how would I do that. The reading teacher comes in the classroom and the rest of the other students. Teacher: all right class we have a reading test to do today then after that you'll be reading the next chapter. If you're done with both of those you can go to the playground. Max: we can talk about it when we get to the playground but first we have to get done with this test. Sally: okay. Teacher: Sally and Max you guys will not be working together for today. Max you be going can a testing room.

Max: okay. Sally: does he have to go to the testing room. Teacher: because he is supposed to be testing there it's none of your business. Max: I will be fine when I'm finished with my work will just wait for you. Sally: I just wanted to make sure if you were going to be okay. Max: okay do you work and I promise I will be waiting And I will keep an eye out on the teacher.
Sally: okay. The teacher sent Max to the testing room and Sally sat at her desk alone. They both did their work and finished it. But Max finished first and was waiting. A few minutes has past Sally was the only one left in her classroom.
Sally: I'm finally finished.
Teacher: Sally since you're done with the test can you hand the piece of paper to me. Teacher: here is your other assignment that you have to do.

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