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(Back to Fish)
The figure was still flying in the breezy air holding fishes unconscious body in their arms. The figure squinted their eyes to see if they were reaching their destination. Figure: woah! It looks like we're close to the rest of the group. They were so excited that they were about to call out to the rest of their group then realized it would blow their cover. Figure: since I'm very close to them I should slow down so I won't ruin the plan. The figure tried to slow down but they were flying too fast to stop. They noticed that they couldn't stop so they started panicking and looking around and they eventually found a way to slow them down. Figure: welp! I guess we're going to make a crash landing and hopefully she doesn't wake up. That will be very bad and hopefully she doesn't get injured because I might die if that happens. The figure crash landed in some trees. Well falling down the trees  they accidentally letting go of fishes body causing her backside to land on a pile of leaves to break her fall. She was still unconscious but had a few cuts and bruises on her. Right before the figure landed on the ground they moved one of their wings to their side to see if it could break the fall but it didn't work and made them fall to the ground full forced on their wing and left side of their body. The figure wanted to scream in pain but didn't want to lower anyone near them. They slowly looked up from the ground and noticed fish's body was a few feet away from them and noticed they fell a few feet away from the three figures walking with Steve. The Figure slowly rolled on their back so they can try to catch their breath. Figure: (groan in pain) sh ... Shit. Is fish ok? They turn their head towards fish's body and so that there was cuts and bruises on her they didn't look that bad but the cuts were bleeding a lot. Figure: (quietly yelling to themselves) No! There going to kill me. I have to get something to stop her bleeding. I ... The figure tried to move its arms to the pocket in their hoodie but they're left arm couldn't news at all just their fingers on their hand. They tried to move their right arm to their pocket and found a couple of Band-Aids. Figure: can't believe I still have these Band-Aids from a few weeks ago. Hopefully this helps her because I don't know how to make things to keep her alive.

(Back to Cloakley figure with Steve)
Steve and the three cloak figures that were with him heard a loud noise in the forest beside them so they stopped and one of the cloak figures behind Steve took a look in the forest next to them and was slightly shocked when they saw fishes unconscious body next to a creature that had wings are trying to help her. Cloakley figure: did you even listen to a part not to blow our cover! what happened? Figure: I'm sorry but I was flying too fast and I couldn't stop myself so I crashed into the trees and she accidentally got hurt. Cloakley figure: accident or not Steve will get even more mad at us and wouldn't even cooperate with us. Figure: I'm sorry but I didn't meant to do this. At least we got her and is still slightly safe besides the bruises and the cuts on her from falling down the trees. Look I have some Band-Aids from a few days ago in my hoodie. Cloakley figure with Steve: hey what's taking so long? Did you die? Cloakley figure: everything is fine it was just a deer that ran into a tree. It's not badly hurt but I'm helping it to get back on its feet. Cloakley figure with Steve: .... Okay! We're going to continue walking towards the house is not that much further we can see it. When you're done helping the deer come back to us so you don't get killed. Cloakley figure: haha very funny! I'll catch up very soon! Figure: when are we going to do if she's still unconscious and won't be able to communicate with us or with Steve. Cloakley figure: will we have a few options before they get to the house and start looking around. One we could wait it out or two slap her in the face a couple of times and see if she wakes up from that or three you find some cold water and splash on her face and see if that does anything. If none of those work then we're kind of screwed.

(Back to Steve)
Steve: .... Can you please explain to me why you would rather take orders from a person that you have no idea about their past and obey them and do whatever they tell you to do. I really don't get why you guys hate humans more than we hate each other and why you decided to take me as a hostage. Cloakley figure 1: we trust Luna more than any other human. Luna is a good person who treated us nicely and didn't betray us didn't abuse us like every other human has done to us. One of the cloakley figures walked behind Steve and took one foot off the ground and kicked Steve in the back causing Steve to almost fall on the ground but he catches himself with his hands. Steve was gasping for air for too seconds then try to stand back up but the parson had there right foot on there back. Cloakley figure 2: your ass doesn't have the fucking right to say shit about Luna! At least Luna is one of the best human beings that can treat us with respect and knows why we hate humans more than anything else! She has the damn right to show humans what they have done to us and get our respect back from them! She is the only human who knows what we've all been through and how humans treated us terribly and they don't even want to be friends with us at all!

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