The woman that was walking with them walked back to the principal's office and sat at their desk. Max, Sally and Steve walk towards the door and slowly opened it. They went in the room and saw the principal staring at a wall.

 They went in the room and saw the principal staring at a wall

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Sally: excuse me. I need to tell you something that's very important. The principal did not reply.
Steve: excuse me principal are you busy right now we can leave the room if you want. The principal was still staring at the wall and didn't reply. Max: sorry I'm going to walk towards our principal and see if he is alive because he's not replying. Max slowly walk towards the principal and taps him on the shoulder. Max: principal are you dead because we need you tell something very important..... Max walks closer to the principal and looked at principal's face. Max: bro are you okay because your face is like very pale. Sally: I think we should talk to them later if he is not doing well. Steve: Max should I get help. Because if he's not going to reply or like do anything or won't say anything I think I should go ask for help. Max: no no no!! it'll be fine I just have to figure out what to do to make this principle awake or alive I don't know hopefully he's not actually did because of you very hard to explain. Max tried pushing and poking his face. He tried everything but still did not get a reply from the principal. Max:...Steve go ahead and go ask for help because I don't know what's going on but I'm pretty sure he might be dead I just want to make sure that we can get help. Steve: Sally you stay here and keep an eye out and stay with Max. Who should I ask for help. Max: I don't know!! Probably the woman who is in the principal's office who walked us down here because they only knew where the principal was at. Steve open the door and walked up the stairs to the principal's office.

Steve: great the woman still here. He walked towards the front desk. Steve: excuse me Miss I kind of need help. (.....): what can I help you with. did you talk to the principal. Steve: we weren't able to talk to the principal cuz he hasn't replied and we were trying to see if he's alive. That's why I wanted help. The woman was shocked and very confused. (....): I will go downstairs with you and see what's going on. you might have to call the hospital and see what they can do. Steve: the hospital ain't going to do anything if it's a dead person...we just have to bury the body if he was dead. Also can you tell me your name because we didn't get your name. (.....): my name is fish. Steve: okay weird name .... whatever .... just follow me down the stairs and I'll show you.

Steve and fish walk down the stairs to the room and saw Sally was waiting in the doorway. Sally: that was fast. Steve: did anything happen when I was gone. Max: nothing really happened you didn't come back to life. I honestly don't know what's going on. Fish: when you guys first came down the stairs to this room was he like this already. Max:he was like this already and we tried talking to him but nothing happened so I walked towards him and yelled and poked him but it didn't work. Fish walk towards the principal and move Max away from him. She closely looked at the principal's face and saw that he was very pale. fish checked his pulse and he was still somewhat breathing. Steve: is the dude still alive. Fish: yes the principal is still alive but barely we need to call the hospital to get him to the building. Max: should we move them to different room? Fish: no we should leave him here until the medics get here. Sally calls the hospital in tells them about the principal. Sally: the medics are on their way now. Steve: how long are they going to get here. Sally: in 20 minutes. Fish:one of us should wait for the medics to get here and to show them where the room is at.
Sally: since Steve already went up there he can go back up there again. Steve: sure. But where do I have to stand at and wait for the medics to get here. Fish: there's an opening near the principal's office if you go to there there should be stairs or ladder that can go down and wait for them. Steve went back up the stairs and walked past the principal's office to find the opening that look like a balcony. He also noticed stairs leading down to the dock where the ambulance car boats can park at. Sally: I'm going to go with Steve. Max: ok... nothing's going to happen to him. Sally: I know that but I just don't want him to be alone up there and have to wait by himself. Max: okay. Sally walked up the stairs to wait with Steve on the balcony. 14 minutes has passed and the ambulance came.

(All of the pictures you're about to see is from the building that I did not make but I added a few things to it years ago this is part of Stampy's house. Stampy was one of the biggest Minecraft YouTube channels a few years ago)

(This is the stairs and the the deck that the ambulance car boat would be at)

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(This is the stairs and the the deck that the ambulance car boat would be at)

(This is the balcony where Steve and Sally walk to so they can wait for the ambulance car boat come

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(This is the balcony where Steve and Sally walk to so they can wait for the ambulance car boat come.)

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