The Party

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Trey, the fellas, and I got to the party. It was lit like a mutha fucka. Cars was everywhere. I got out and fixed myself up and headed to the door behind Trey. Trey was all in his looks. The ladies was all over the place. I knew I had to get in my mode so I can get me a hottie tonight.

"Yo man this party is lit tonight."'Chris said to Trey as they walked through the crowd.

"I told you it would be. Yo mama was holding us up. We could've gotten here earlier so we could have scoped out the ladies." Trey said.

"Man get off my mama. She is just overwhelmed with me living my life. Matter of fact let me go ahead and call her now so I can focus on the ladies." Chris said pulling out his phone.

Chris sat down and called his mom.

"Hey ma. We at the party. I just wanted to go ahead and call you so you wouldn't be calling me."Chris said as he smiled at the girls walking by.

"Don't rush me off this phone Maurice. You know I just be worried about you thats all." Samantha said.

"Yes Ma. I know. But that also farther let me know that you need to let me be a man. I'm not a little kid anymore." Chris said trying to plead his case.

"Whatever you think or believe, I don't want to hear that. Just go have your fun and you be back here before your curfew." Samantha demanded.

"Well I love you mama. I'll see you later aight." Chris said in a small soft voice.

"I love you too but you remember what I said. Don't be having these fast tail girls all over you. I'll be watching you." Samantha said.

Chris hung up the phone and thought about what his mama just said. That didn't sit right with him. He knew his mama was protective but nothing like this. Chris shook that off and got back to the fellas. As he walked over he noticed this one girl kept looking at him. He noticed her while he was on the line with his mama. Chris walked over to the bar and got him a drink. As the bartender was fixing his drink he looked at her and smiled.

"Hey gorgeous. How are you tonight?" Chris started the conversation out with as he licked his lips.

"I'm good. Thanks for asking." The girl said to Chris as she sipped on her drink.

"So you here by yourself or?" Chris asked her as he faced her.

"No. I'm here with my girls. They are all on the dance floor out there. I just needed to break and sit down for a little." Ariel said with a smirk on her face.

"Hmm. So a nigga on time then to see what's up with you." Chris said as he ran his hands together.

"In time for what?" Ariel asked looking him up and down.

"To get to know you. I saw you checking me out. And I can't lie, you are fine as hell. Don't give a brother a hard time. Let me get to know you." Chris said taking a sip of his drink.

Ariel couldn't deny that she was feeling Chris. But she didn't want to seem as if she was hard up for a man cause she wasn't. She had her own everything. Was she lonely yes. But she was not desperate.

Ariel Wright

"So are we gonna chop it up or you just gonna sit here and pretend that you aren't interested in a nigga?" Chris said determined to get her

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"So are we gonna chop it up or you just gonna sit here and pretend that you aren't interested in a nigga?" Chris said determined to get her.

Before she could give him a response Chris phone started ringing. Rolling his eyes before he even looked at the caller id, Chris knew it was his mom.

"Can you give me like 2 seconds please?" Chris said holding his finger up.

"Of coarse." Ariel said back to him as she picked up her drink and sips on it.

"Ma what is it? I just talked to you." Chris said getting annoyed with his mom.

"What time are you coming home? Mama is bored and worried." Samantha said trying to put the icing on thick.

"Ma like for real? Like why are we even having this conversation? Call your friends over or talk to them on the phone. I'm at a party." Chris said to his mom getting very upset.

"And I want you home with me. Is that too much for a mother to ask?" Samantha said getting even more upset.

"Ma like I'm about to go. I'm trying to have fun with the fellas and you killing my vibe." Chris said holding his finger up to Ariel to hold on a second.

"If you need to talk to your mom I can wait." Ariel said not knowing the damage she just cost Chris.

"Who the hell is that Maurice?" Samantha asked sounding furious.

"Ma that is not your business. I got to go. I'll see you when I get home alright." Chris said trying to end the conversation.

"No you are gonna stay on this damn phone and tell me who the hell that female was." Samantha said raising her voice.

"Bye Ma. I love you." Chris said and hung the phone up on his mom.

This is the crap that I be talking about. She really acts like she is my lady than my mom. I got to get out of that house with her man. I can't keep doing this with her for real. Looking at Ariel, Chris smiled.

"Can we  go and get a motel and just hang out? I can get us some drinks, weed and just relax." Chris said to her hoping she say yes.

"What about my girls?" Ariel asked him as she finished off her drink.

"You can call them later. I want this time with you." Chris said running his hand down here.

Ariel smiled and stood up.

"Let me let them know and we can go." Ariel said.

Chris waited until she walked off and jumped up excited. He called Trey and told him the news. They got in her car and left. As they headed to the room Chris phone rung again. He looked at it and put it on do not disturb.

"You need to take that?" Ariel asked him as she continued to drive.

"No baby. We good to go." Chris said.

This is about to be interesting!!!!!!

Mom is on that bull!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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