Chapter 2: James's 'Smart' Idea

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"Lily-Luna, gets your shoes on and let's go!" Lily heard her mother shout from the living room.

She hurried out of her room and leaned over the stair railing. "Where are we going?"

"To pick up your brothers from the train station, you knew about this!" Ginny appeared at the bottom of the stairs. A look of remembrance passed over Lily's face and she hurried to grab her shoes.


An hour later and everyone was back home, including Harry, who had come home from Hogwarts by floo powder where he worked as the DADA professor.

"Remember kids, your cousins, aunts, and uncles are coming over for dinner tonight so keep your rooms clean!" Ginny exclaimed as the boys went running upstairs, Lily following.

"Alright Mum, promise!" James exclaimed, all three of them meeting in his room.

"So? Tell me about Hogwarts!" Lily plopped herself down on a beanbag chair in his room.

"It was basically like every other year-"

"Except James kissed a girl!" Albus exclaimed.

James threw a pillow at him. "No I didn't!"

Albus dodged the pillow with ease. "Uh-huh, I caught him snogging Alice Longbottom in the corridor!"

"Shut up!" Yet again another pillow was thrown across the room.

"Ooo, James has got himself a girlfriend!" Lily teased.

"I do not!" He said, a smirk playing on his lips.

"You're literally the worst liar ever."

"James, I thought I said to keep your room clean!" Ginny walked past the room and poked her head in. "Pick the pillows up, family's on the way."

"Are the Longbottoms also coming?" Albus said, smirking.

"Yeah, they'll be here a little later." Ginny said, leaving.

James smiled to himself, looking down and trying to hide it. "So she is your girlfriend!" Lily exclaimed, sitting up in the bean bag.

"I asked her to be my girlfriend yesterday." James mumbled, still looking down.

"Aww, James that's amazing!" Lily said, genuinely happy for her brother.

"I swear if either of you say anything to anyone-"

"I won't say a word."

"Well..." "Al!" Yet another pillow flew across the room. "Fine-"

"James, Al, and Lily come downstairs!" Harry called from the living room. They quickly fixed the pillows and headed downstairs, where the Granger-Weasleys were.

"Rosie!" Lily said, hugging her cousin.

"Lily, hey!" Rose hugged her back. "How's school?"

Lily's face went blank, trying to figure out how to answer that. "I mean, muggle school is muggle school." She laughed slightly. "I can't wait to go to Hogwarts with you guys!"

"Me either!" Hugo said, butting into the conversation. "I hate learning actual maths."

"Hugo you know it's a good thing to learn, we've talked about this." Hermione chuckled, giving her niece and nephews a hug. "Maths is important."

"But it's so boring." Hugo whined, heading back upstairs with Al and James.

The adults all laughed softly, heading into the living room. Rose and Lily followed them, waiting for their other cousins. They talked about Quidditch, Rose's favorite classes, and the parents talked about their jobs. Eventually, the rest of the family had showed up, and they sat around the dining table and ate.

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