Chapter 19

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"Hello, are you here to see detective Wess?" A voice came just behind the young couple as they turned facing a young woman who was a detective herself looking at the gun she had and just the way she was dressed.

"Yeah, she told us to wait here for her." Greenery said back as the women nodded.

"Good, I was just checking." The woman said as she smiled with both of them smiling back and watching her walk away. It had been thirty minutes of them sitting here, Sebastian checking his phone now and again which just made Greenery even more nervous. The office was packed now with more detectives and other people walking in. It may have been thirty minutes but to them it was eternity having their moods foul to no end. It was too many times where Sebastian wanted nothing more than to get back to the car and drive away or sleep for that matter. In his head he was just imagining his lecturer teaching about whatever with his seat empty yet he would not notice with the large number of students in the class.

"Sebastian I have to tell you uhm."Greenery finally spat it out, she had wanted to say something before they even left the house yet her tongue had been tied every time she had tried. She was running out of time and it was unfair to drag Sebastian through all this and not tell him why. She could see him getting impatient, afraid he would up and leave her here alone. Could she survive this alone? She did not think so, the weight was getting heavy and surely she would collapse soon from carrying all that she did and his presence had her feel as if she was not alone, that she had someone to lean on.

"I...."She tried yet her throat tightened up with her mouth dry having her stare at him in panic, trying so hard but failing to talk.

"Its okay Green, you don't have to tell me anything, you are in danger and I am happy you are not alone through this. Anything you need, I will be here for you." He said seeing her dilemma having her cast her eyes down, blinking away her tears not knowing what to do or say.

"Why are you doing this?" Her eyes cast up, swimming in tears meeting his dark pools as he himself stared at her. She had asked the question he had been asking himself for some time yet he himself could not answer it. It was complicated, not knowing if it was pity, guilt or maybe just maybe he had developed feelings for her. He swallowed, his eyes drawing away from the girl who had flipped his world upside down the day she stood in his room staring at him as if he was an angel sent to her rescue. He swallowed, a hand going through his knotted locks, feeling as the knots broke away.

"I don't know." He answered honestly, an answer both of them did not want to hear yet it was out there and awkwardness falling on them adding to the foul mood that had settled with their eyes locked for some time both lost in their heads feeling as the feelings coursed through their bodies.

"Sorry I am late, I was getting a judge to sign on this." The seat opposite theirs was dragged, a women Greenery had seen more times than she could count in the last three months. The detective wore a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt and a blouse over it all with her hair tied to a ponytail, she looked just like them, exhausted with sleep something that she had not touched in a long time. A pile of papers were thrown on the desk, some crushed and thrown in the dust bin, trying to clear the desk yet it was beyond repair. The detective finally calmed down, taking a deep breath with sweat collected on her forehead seeing that she had been running as if the hounds of hell had been on her heels.

"I took the gun from John downstairs and have submitted it into forensics for prints, let us hope we get something. I was at the judge to argue for witness protective service and finally got it after making such a long case. So Miss Smith and Mr Black you are going to witness protective custody." The detective said as if it was the most normal thing to ever say as the world came crushing on the young couple sitting before her.

"What!" It was Sebastian, Greenery was too shocked and paled out to say anything. She squeezed on Sebastian's hand for comfort who turned staring at her before squeezing her hand back, holding it tighter for comfort.

"Is this necessary?" He asked, perplexed to no end feeling as if this was just taking it too far.

"Yes Mr Black, this is very necessary, the man Greenery is testifying against is dangerous and will do anything to get out of the charges that can have him locked up for the rest of his life as I am sure Greenery has explained." The detective said, Sebastian sighing and sinking in his seat.

"Greenery I have located your father and the papers have been sent to him to sign as you are underage. You need to talk to him, he is confused and scared for you. Imagine a police of officers knocking at the door asking for him to sign papers of his daughter being put into witness protective custody. He was advised not to call as we are assuming the killer will track his calls but you can call him using this burner I got." The detective continued staring at the young girl that still looked like a sack of bones, her face that could be used for Halloween. Greenery paled even more if that was possible, her head shaking side to side.

"I know that you are waiting on your birthday in a few weeks so you can sign the papers yourself but he needs to know. He loves you and is concerned." Detective Wess tried but seeing that her words were not going to change the young woman's mind.

"What about him, shouldn't he be under protective custody too. He could kidnap or kill him to get me out?" Greenery asked ignoring what had been said before.

"I tried but he said no, he has to work to pay for bills. We will put a detail on him, he will be fine." The detective said as Greenery swallowed, taking it all in.

"Where was he? Where did you find him?" She asked already knowing the answer but wanting to hear it from someone else.

"It was in your files that before you were taken to the institute he spent some of his nights at Miss Heaven's house so we checked and he was there, there was no network because of the storm so the calls could not go through." The detective said as Greenery swallowed, nodding her head. The relationship she had with her father was one no one would understand. Mr Smith had been left with a three year old baby to raise, he had not known what to do or how, so as soon as Greenery could take care of herself at ten he had let her do just that and she had practically raised herself with him always away at work.

"Its okay, tell him I love him for me and that I am sorry for bringing all this with me." She said, sitting up her chair, the emotions hitting her hard yet she swallowed, taking them and the pain with her, walls brought up, her shield there to protect her as it had for so many years. She was not a stranger to pain, it was part of her life, and it was practically her core.

The detective stared at her for the longest of time, seeing as the young girl blinked away the pain leaving nothing but soulless eyes. She could not get over it, the strength of this girl having shocked her the first time they had met, it had been one of the saddest cases she had ever handled yet as she had stared at her for the first time she had seen a warrior fighting day and night yet never giving up.

"I will." She said back, swallowing as she turned to look at the boy that sat holding the young girls hand, his eyes were on her, concern and worry evident as he stared at her as if he wanted to take her and protect her from all the monsters that plagued her.

"Mr Black, we can contact your parents."

"No, I don't want them finding out, when they come because they will find out, don't tell them anything. They will threaten and make a scene but I don't want them to know especially about Green." He said with the detective nodding his head.

"Okay then, you will be moved to a location that will not be disclosed to you. Your names are Brianna Longford and Maximus Longford. A young married couple that decided to not waste time and tie the knot after the long struggle of Brianna with cancer. You dated for five years and have been married for a month, after Brianna turned eighteen. Maximus sold the app he was working on and decided to move and start a family away. Are we all fine with that?" The detective asked as the two young people shifted in their chairs. They both had their concerns yet no one said a thing as they swallowed, scared to even stare at each other. Sebastian was freaking out, he could not leave, he had just started his business, putting all he had in it with the risk of losing it all while on the other hand he could not afford to miss even one class at school, he was not bright and missing even one class as he had just did could cost him a year. He sighed, a hand going through his hair. He wanted to be there for Greenery yet all he had to give up was just too much, he felt like a jerk, felt too bad yet he sat up and cleared his throat.

"I can't do this. I am sorry Green, I really want to be there for you but I have school and can't afford to repeat the semester, I also have just started my business of which I have Brian who also invested. I can't go into protective custody. I am so sorry." He said, turning to look at her as she stared back at him. The tears swelled in her eyes, she understood but that did not make it easier.

"I am sorry Mr Black but Richard Junior knows how much you mean to Miss Smith and when he gets desperate which he will if he doesn't get her. He will lash out and I am sure you will be the first to witness that. A complain was been filed on your house just this morning, it had been the killer's next stop. The school, both schools will be contacted of this and you can continue with your studies online. You will only go online for not more than two hours at a time. You will only use it for school. There will be no posting, no calling anyone. You can call whoever you need to now, using my phone. Your phones will be left here to be taken in a month after Miss Green testifies and this is all over." Detective Wess said, raining on Sebastian's parade, having him slip his hand out of Greenery's, laying his head on his hands, seeing that there was no way out of this. He had truly gotten himself into this and he did not want to say it, did not want to even think of it yet some part of him wished he had not taken that call.

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