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I wake up in what seems like my dream? Everything's bright white and in the middle of the place there's a bench. I look around looking if there's anyone else. Seeking for any sign to show me if I'm dead or alive.

"Aren't I supposed to be dead?" I questioned out loud, confused of where I could be.

"Well yes, but not exactly." responded a familiar calm voice.

I quickly turn around and see Professor Dumbledore sitting on the bench looking straight ahead. I walk closer to him and sit next to him. I watch his expression as he turns to look at me, it changes from happy to what seems worried. "Professor, where are we?"

"Well dear don't you see? We're in your head of course." His face expression doesn't seem to change, like something's bothering him.

"Are you alright Professor?"

"I'm perfectly fine. It's you I'm worried about." he responds with a soft smile as he turns away.

"You don't have to worry Professor, I'm alright. Is this what peace is after you die?" I wondered, still watching Professor Dumbledore.

"Miss Young, you're far too under age. This shouldn't have happened to you." He turned back my way now making eye contact. "Well it can be if you want? It's all up to you Miss Young. If peace is what you want to find, I suggest you stay or you can go back." He gets up and starts walking towards a light.

"Professor, how can I go back?" I stand up and start following right behind him.

"Find your happy place and what makes you feel alive. Once you find it you can go back." He keeps walking, not looking back. He starts walking into the light. "Oh and Miss Young if you choose to go back remember, the time in your head is different from the outside world." He warned as he slowly starts disappearing in the distance.

"Professor wait up?! I don't understand?" I respond but by the time these words come out my mouth Professor Dumbledore is gone. I start heading back to the bench and try to remember my happy place.

It has to be when my father was still alive. We would all gather together in the living room and play board games as a family. I sat down on the bench and closed my eyes remembering how I felt the times we were all together. I remember sitting on the couch between my mother and father, laughing and making jokes. I remember his soft smile, his laugh, his charm. He was a good man and now I know why my mother married him. I open my eyes but I'm still sitting here on the bench.

"Why isn't it working? That's my happy place. It always has been." I sighed and looked at the direction Dumbledore had left hoping he pops up to help me.

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