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Dear Belly,

It's been a week or so since I last wrote to you. God I miss you Isobel. I don't know how to put my feelings into words, but I know I miss you deeply. You were the light to my darkness. You were the person I wanted to live with for the rest of my life, the person that I would grow old with and die with. I never got the chance to tell you exactly everything I had planned for us in the future, and well I think you deserve to know even though you're not here. I know you're watching over me at least I hope.

Not only did I want to run away together and get away from all the mess. I wanted you by my side always and forever. Isobel Young I wanted to marry you after we had settled down in the cottage. I wanted to change your last name to Isobel Malfoy. I had always dreamed of the day I'd finally be able to call you my wife. I had everything ready, my love, everything planned. Not only that but I wanted to have children with you. I wanted to see minnie Isobel's running around the house. I'm sure they would have loved it here. I saw us growing old together, watching our kids grow and start their lives, maybe even have grand kids by the time we were 80.

I had everything planned for us, but you just had to be the brave Gryffindor you are. You just had to go and save Hermione putting your own life at risk. Now look, Hermione is alive, living her best life, probably not even thankful that you saved her, she probably doesn't even remember you by now and you're dead. You hadn't even gotten the chance to live your life. Honestly I could have cared less if Hermiones had died, if it meant you'd still be alive. Then again there was a reason you were in Gryffindor, risk your life over your friends not even thinking twice on who it may affect after.

I do have good news though. I found someone she's kind, beautiful, and a bit of a badass, but she's nothing compared to you of course. Her name is Hayley and she's coming over today. I asked her to come over for a drink and hangout a bit. She reminds me a little bit about you. She has the same colored eyes as you and the same hair color too, but she's not you.

There's not exactly much good news lately besides the fact that I've been recovering from your death and well I'm starting to gain my strength back. I've been eating more lately, I hope you're proud of me. God knows where you are but I have a feeling you're watching over me, maybe you're sitting here next to me but I just can't see you. I'll keep you updated on Hayley's and I relationship, if of course it even gets to a relationship.

I love you, always and forever.

Yours forever,


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