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I climb a hill and as I get to the top I spot Hogwarts, but it's different. Last time I remember half the building was destroyed, now it's almost close to being finished.

"How long exactly have I been gone?" I wondered "I have to go find Draco?" I start heading towards the Malfoy's Manors not too far from Hogwarts.

When I get there it's no surprise it still looks exactly the same. I knock on the enormous front door. The door creaks open almost at once and I see the same small beady pair of eyes looking directly at me. It's the same man who had let me in last time I came to Draco's home.

His voice is deeper then I remember but then again I hardly remember what he sounds like. "Yes?" he answers, not breaking eye contact with him.

"I'm here to see Draco Malfoy." I say confidently although I don't know if he'll remember me I mean I don't even know what year or month it is.

"Your Name?"

"Isobel Young. I used to come here almost everyday. You can't say you don't remember me?" I say a bit annoyed.

"He's not here." he responds and starts shutting the doors. I stop the door from shutting with my foot.

"I don't understand he lives here? Let me in." I groan pushing the door open.

"He's not her-" he then gets interrupted by someone behind him. I can't really see them though, they are standing in the dark.

"Isobel right? Come in darling." says a familiar voice. She then comes out of the dark and into the light where I can see her properly. It's Draco's mother Narcissa Malfoy.

I walk in past the man and head towards her. "Hello Mrs. Malfoy. Is Draco here?" I ask. Narcissia looks down upset and then back at me.

"No we don't know where he is." she responds then starts walking towards the stairs that lead to Draco's room. "Exactly how are you here? How are you alive?" she questioned.

I follow right behind her trying not to step on her robe as we walk up the stairs. "Um, I'm not quite sure how to explain that. I'm confused as well." I respond nervously.

Draco's mother always seems to make me nervous. Surely I don't know why I'm great at chatting with adults. As we get to Draco's door she seems to stop right in front of it and not open it.

"He's not here b-but you can go in" she responds as she turns to look at me.

I open the door in front of us and walk in. Nearly half of his stuff is gone. I walk around his room and open his drawers and there nothing just a simple black t-shirt he left behind.

"Do you happen to know where he is?" I ask now looking at Narcissa while picking up the shirt he left behind.

"Sadly no" she responds and looks at his bed that seems to be untouched since last time I was here. "Come, join us for breakfast, you must be hungry. We can talk more about what happened that night over food." she says and heads downstairs.

I put the shirt back and close the drawer then take another look at his room before closing the door. I follow behind her to the kitchen table where there seems to be loads and loads of different kinds of foods for breakfast.

I sat down on what seemed to be Malfoys seat. Narcissia sat on the other side of the table facing me and Lucius Malfoy on the far end of the table. I can see Lucius giving dirty looks like if he's not happy I'm here or maybe he's confused on how I'm alive. Either way it makes me a bit uncomfortable.

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