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Dear Belly,

It's been a year since you died. A year since your funeral, a year alone with no one to hold in my arms. I can't live without you Belly, it's killing me. Come back to me Belly please. We were supposed to run away together after the battle.

Life without you is dark. I feel like the walls are crumbling up like I can't breath. Sometimes I don't even sleep. I stay awake at night remembering your crumbled up body on the cold stone ground, your hair tangled across your cheeks that used to be bright red every time you blushed. I hope to see you again. I'm living in a nightmare without you. I hardly eat now, I've gotten skinny, weak. I'd do anything to see you again Belly, to hold you in my arms, to kiss you again, but you're gone and I can't change that.

And I know you want the best for me. I can already hear you telling me to move on with my life. Find someone new, create a life with them, but Belly all I want is you. How can you possibly think I can just move on with my life when the love of my life is dead. The only person that cared for me deeply is laying in a coffin underground. I can't even go see your grave, not because I don't want to but because I'll break into a million pieces all over again and because I'm in hiding.

Well my love, I guess it's time for me to try to move on. I know that's what you would want, is me to be happy. I hope to give these letters to you one day when I see you again, until then I'll keep them safe.

I love you, forever.

Yours, always,


After I'm done writing my letter I fold it up on the shelf next to my window and stack it next to the other letters I have written to Isobel. I walked towards the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I grab onto the sink and hang my head as tears roll down my face. "Oh Belly I miss you!!"

My Dearest Malfoy,Where stories live. Discover now