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A Week Later


My Dearest Malfoy,

I finally got the courage to write to you. God where do I start with this? I miss you. I miss you so much. It's been a hell of a roller coaster trying to find you. I stopped by your cottage a week ago. I met your lovely wife and son. I'm happy for you. I'm glad you found someone that cares deeply about you. Although it might not be me, I'm grateful to have met you. You gave me many great memories that I'll cherish forever.

I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise, but look at you. You have a beautiful wife, an adorable son and you're happy. You've started a family far away from all the mess. I'm glad to know you still kept your promise about running away to go live in a cottage by the beach. I know how hard this must have been for you to move on, and you know what? I'm very thankful you held on tight for dear life and didn't kill yourself. I would have been very disappointed in you if you did end up killing yourself.

Well Malfoy I see you're very happy with your family. Which is why I ask of you to not come looking for me. Don't waste your time searching for me, I won't make it easy for you if you do. Go live your life you deserve. You earned it. I know your probably wonder how I'm alive, if I'm okay? Well I'm great thank you. I don't quite know exactly how I'm alive but if you're so curious I'll save that story for another day.

In case you're wondering what I'll be doing now that I'm back and well, you don't exactly belong to me anymore. I've always wanted to travel the world. Now that I'm back I'll be hitting the road with my mum. Go see new places, experience new things. It's incredible what you can find exploring different countries. I guess it's time for me to start my new journey.

Oh and by the way Malfoy, I find it only right to go back to calling you by your last name. Now that you're married. Calling each other by our first names was a thing we had and well it feels wrong now to call you by it. I hope you are happy. I hope you live your best life. I'll always have a special place for you in my heart and I know you will too.

I think it's only right that we act like we never knew each other. We should go back to being strangers, how we once were. Yes it'll be hard but it's for the sake of your new life. I don't want you ruining anything with the life you've started. So if for some reason you don't listen to me and do come find me just know I'm sorry.

I love you, always have and always will.



As I finish my letter to Draco I fold it up and put it in an envelope, then attach it to my owl and let my owl fly out the window to take the letter to Draco. I turn to Hermione and start to cry harder than ever. I look back at my owl and watch it fly into the dark night.

"Oh Draco...how it would have been lovely to have my last name changed to Malfoy. Since the day I knew I loved you I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. You mean the world to me Draco always and forever. I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner it would have been nice if I did. We would be living in the cottage like we promised." I sobbed "If I'm being honest it really broke me when I found out you had a wife and kid. Although you got used to the fact that I was gone and you moved on.... I don't think I can get used to the fact that you're not mine anymore. Which is why I think it's better off if we forget about each other like we never met." I turn to Hermione and nod giving her the signal to erase every memory I ever had of Draco.

Hermione to my surprise has tears in her eyes. "Are you sure?" she asks, wiping her tears away.

"Yes. Do it Hermione!" I cried.

"Well I would just like to say I'm sorry, and you were right. He is a good person." she agreed and pointed her wand at me "Obliviate."

I smile and close my eyes as each and every memory of Draco starts disappearing. As I hang onto the last memory of Draco and I walking into the battle hand in hand I scream "I love you Draco!!!" And just like that it's gone. Now Isobel Young can start her new journey.




I really hope you guys enjoyed this story and I'm thinking about making a part three of this but I don't exactly know yet. :)

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