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"Well my dear, eat you look fairly skinny" Narcissia says as she serves herself and Lucius some pancakes.

I hadn't realized how hungry I was until now nor how skinny I've gotten. I quickly grab some pancakes and a few berries to go along with it.

"Thank you Mr and Mrs. Malfoy" I say while I stuff my mouth full of pancakes.

"Last I remember after the battle, Draco in tears holding you dead body." says Narcissia. "He seemed heart broken. We've never exactly seen him like this before." she explains "We brought him home and the day of your funeral he had left without warning us, but that day he never returned. All he left was a note saying he was heading to your grave to say his goodbyes that he never got the chance to say." she sighed "that was the last that we heard of him since then we haven't seen him nor heard of him." she says as her voice starts to sound shaky like if she was at the point to ball out her eyes.

"I'm so sorry." I say losing my appetite to eat. "If I may ask, exactly how long ago was the battle of Hogwarts?"

"A little over a year ago" responds Lucius Malfoy.

"Wait are you serious? So you're saying that I've been dead for a year now?" I say shocked by what I'm hearing.

Lucius nods but he doesn't really seem to care. He doesn't seem worried about his son either. I have a feeling there's something he's not telling us, not even his wife.

"So you guys have no clue where he can possibly be?' I ask.

"No, but then again now that I think of it we were never really close with our own son." sighed Narcissia, not bearing to look up like if she were ashamed of not having a strong bond with her son. "Do you know where he might be?" she asked curious now looking up with hope in her eyes.

"No...but he always talked about running away together to a cot-" then it hit me. The cottage he must have ran off to the cottage by the beach. He always mentioned running away together to a cottage by the beach where no one can tell us if we should be together or not. We were supposed to run off together and live a happy life after the battle.

"To a what?" Lucius Malfoy asked curious now even though he seemed to not care.

I look up at Lucius "I don't know? I don't exactly remember?" I lied, something about Lucius doesn't seem right and I don't like it one bit.

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