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A month later


I haven't exactly found anything about Draco then again I haven't left the house much. I've been helping my mother heal from the pain I put her through. At this point I've lost hope of finding Draco. I've jumped to conclusions lately like maybe he's traveling the world or he's dead. Maybe he's even held captive in his own house. I quickly lose my train of thought when I hear the doorbell ring.

"Oh dear who might that be? Darling could you get the door please?" my mother says

"Mum it's probably Hermione she asked me to go to the beach with her to fix our little argument. I'll be back soon I promise mother." I say as I open the door and see Hermione standing there. "Ready?" I say as I close the door behind me. "What beach are we going to?" I ask as I get into a blue minnie car.

"Rhossili Bay, it's not far from here. It's the perfect place to chat and hardly anyone goes there." she responds while she gets in the driver's seat and starts driving away. We drive for about 15 minutes. When we arrive at the beach I'm nearly speechless.

"It's so beautiful." I say as I get out of the car and step on the soft sand. Hermione who is now standing next me looking at the view.

"Isobel?" She says like somethings bothering her.

"Yeah?" I respond now facing her "what's wrong?"

"I know I said we came here to fix our problems last time we saw each other..." she adds

"Yeah what about it?" I questioned

"Did you ever wonder why I chose the beach?" She turns to face me. "Follow me will you?" she starts walking along the shore.

"Well no? Now that I think of it, why did you choose the beach?" I ask following right behind her.

"Remember a month ago you told Harry, Ron and I that if we ever found any information on Draco we tell you?" she says as she starts walking up a hill.

"Yeah?" I say following her.

"Well a few days ago I came to this very beach and thought I saw Draco. I told myself I wouldn't bring you here because well it's Draco. Then I started thinking about what you said on how he wasn't evil..." she comes to a stop at the top of the hill and looks far in the distance. I stand beside her and look at the direction she's looking at, then I spot it.

"A the beach" I turn to Hermione and smile "what made you realize that Draco is actually a good person?" I ask.

"I'm not sure if what I saw was correct but I think it was him." she looks at me and puts her hand on my arm. "There's something you should know before heading over there."

I look at her hand then at the cottage "You can tell me after. I have to go see him." I smile and walk towards the door.

I take a few deep breaths before knocking on the door. A little boy with blue eyes and platinum blonde hair opens the door, right beside him stands a woman who seems to be his mother.

"Hi, I'm Isobel Young. I'm looking for someone." I say

The woman greets me with a smile "I'm Hayley Malfoy. Who are you looking for? Maybe I know them." she responds.

As soon as I hear her last name my heart drops. I don't know what to think, what to do. I feel like I'm about to break down into tears.

I quickly pull myself together and smile back "Um, you know what I think I got the wrong house. I'm so sorry to disturb you and your family."

"Oh no it's alright. We hardly get visitors here. It's nice to see every now and then people come by. I would like to help you though, maybe if you tell me the name of this person you're looking for I might know?" she replied.

"I'm looking for Draco Malfoy, but it seems that I have found him." I say trying not to break down.

"Oh yes of course. I can call him for you?"

"No, please. I think I'll write him a letter instead now that I know where he lives." I give her a warm smile. Obviously I'm faking it and broken inside. "Can you do me a favor and not tell him I stopped by, at least not yet."

"Um, yeah of course. If I may ask, what are you to Draco?" she questions

" old friend who he thought died during a battle." I respond "well I'll be heading out. It was nice meeting you."

"Yeah you too." She closes the door and right when she closes it I break down in tears. I head back to Hermione and she gives me a hug. I cry onto her shoulder as she rubs my back.

"It's okay. Let it all out." she whispers, still holding me tight.

"He's gone Hermione! I'm too late!" I cried.

I pull away from her and turn back to look at the cottage. I look through the window and see Draco writing a letter. Next to the window I happen to catch my eye on a stack of letters and see my name on the envelopes.

"He finally wrote back? Hermione do you see that? He's finally writing back." I sobbed.

I watch Draco get up and start heading to the stack of letters. I quickly grab Hermione and hide behind a bush. Draco puts the letter he just finished along with the other stack of letters.

"I think we should leave Isobel?" Hermione says now looking at me.

"W- Wait"I replied, still balling my eyes out. I see Draco walk out of his house with his son.

"Daddy, Daddy?! Lift me up in the air please?" begged the little boy.

Draco lifts up the little boy "Alright ready for the airplane? Hold on tight Harry." gushed Draco. As I watch Draco play with his son Harry, my tears don't seem to ever stop. I wipe my tears away and smile.

"Harry? I always knew he did care for the golden trio." I mumble to myself.

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